January 14, 2010

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January 14, 2010 (vol. 120, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…ANIMANIACS An exploration of the role anime culture plays in A2. SEE THE B-SIDE, INSIDE (1ieC ff1iI a aImj Ann Arbor, Michigan Thursday, January 14,2010 michigandaily.com ONE PERSON'S TRASH IS ANOTHER'S ART PROVOST PICKED AS PRESIDENT Sullivan 'surprised' by UVA pres. offer MARISSA MCCLAIN/Daily Art & Design freshman Paris Glickman peruses the shelves at The Scrap Box for recycled materials for an art project yesterday. The Scrap Box se...…

January 14, 2010 (vol. 120, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…2A - Thursday, January 14, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.corn MONDAY: TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: MONDAY: TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: In Other Ivory Towers Professor Profiles Before You Were Here NOT FROM CONCENTRATE I FRIDAY: Photos of the Week Secrets from the U' Sharing secrets means something different for LSA senior Kara LaPlante than for most students. LaPlante created a stu- dent group last fall called Secrets from the U, which is dedic...…

January 14, 2010 (vol. 120, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

…M Thursday, January 14, 2010 - 3A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Thursday, January14, 2010 - 3A NEWS BRIEFS SDETROIT Detroit Police call on texting tipsters to tackle crimes Detroit Police officials are hop- log a new campaign aimed at generating anonymous tips will inspire residents to think of a four- letter word whenever they witness crime: Text. Authorities say the city's "CRIME. See it. Text it." campaign will be announced yeser...…

January 14, 2010 (vol. 120, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

…4A - Thursday, January 14, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 74fii g~an Bat4hj Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. t au 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@umich.edu JACOB SMILOVITZ EDITOR IN CHIEF RACHEL VAN GILDER EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR MATT AARONSON MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and il...…

January 14, 2010 (vol. 120, iss. 73) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com Thursday, January 14, 2010 - 5A With open field, Ilitch may enter Dem. primary Former Michigan football player reaches plea bargain on charges From Page 1A experiences would make her a sufficient candidate, according to the source. litch is the daughter of Michael Ilitch, the founder of Detroit- based Little Caesars Pizza. She is also the former CEO and presi- dent of Ilitch Holdings, Inc. - a company...…

January 14, 2010 (vol. 120, iss. 73) • Page Image 6

…6A-Thursday, January 14, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com PARKING AVAILABLE 665-8825 ! 7 BDRM House-334 Catherine ! Large bedrooms, some hardwood, lots of common space. Free parking. May to May $3745--special discount Fall to Fall $4095 www.oldtownrealty.net 734-663-8989 AWESOME 3 bdrm house. Free prkg, indry, water incl. 734.223.7777. ! FALL 2010: 5 bdrm, 2 bth house. Between Central Campus & Stadium. 833 Brown St: $2400/mo. Bea...…

January 14, 2010 (vol. 120, iss. 73) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com Thursday, January 14, 2010 - 7A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Thursday, January14, 2010 - 7A Michigan to take on Indiana By AMY SCARANO Daily Sports Writer The Michigan women's basket- ball heads to Bloomington tonight for its first matchup of the season with Indiana. It won't be a walk in the park, and the Wolverines know that by now. Six games into Big Ten season, they have realized that ever...…

January 14, 2010 (vol. 120, iss. 73) • Page Image 8

…0 8A - Thursday, January 14, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com Falling short hurts most at Crisler t Y 3f 1 ih S 7 r fi 4 1 + Y,' !K+". _ _ i r z ,.d - v _ p sue. , . fir~ . "°^ , °"Ta, - _ _ w' { ;: fix' h. . { g '3' . P ,.rte ... , b. Honestly, I felt claustrophobic. After the Michigan men's bas- ketball team upset then-No. 15 Ohio State, the Wolverine Nation started to come crawl- ing back. That was fine. It was good to see s...…

January 14, 2010 (vol. 120, iss. 73) • Page Image 9

…thebx com Thursday, January 14, 2010 D The Michigan Daily I michigandaily. THERE'S A LOT OF ANIME THAT DELVES INTO PHI LOSOPH ICAL SU BJECTS, LIKE WHAT IT MEANS TO BE HUMAN. -KEN CHILDERS LSA SENIOR, ANIMANIA M weekend essentials Jan. 14 to Jan.17 AT THE MIC Artist Stephanie Row- den will be speaking tonight at 5 p.m. at the Michigan The- ater. Rowden's work includes several instal- lations and projects exploring the medium of radio. Rec...…

January 14, 2010 (vol. 120, iss. 73) • Page Image 10

…2B - Thursday, January 14, 2010 i The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom F OOD WARS RAY'S RED HOTS The dog at Ray's Red Hots is neither red nor hot, but it's certainly delicious. The all-beef wiener itself is quite a bit smaller in diameter than I'm used to, but its length makes up for it (hi-ohh!). There's also a subtle crunch to the meat casing. The real story here is the sesame seed bun: moist, flavorful and the icing on the frankfurte...…

January 14, 2010 (vol. 120, iss. 73) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com Thursday, January 14, 2010 - 3B The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Thursday, January 14, 2010 - 38 On the prowl for winter fashions The Collage Concert provides a series of challenges for the technical staff, as transitions between performances must be done swiftly as applause is held. A collegiate, musical collage When the five-minute walk to class feels like a trek up Mt. Ever- est, and it becom...…

January 14, 2010 (vol. 120, iss. 73) • Page Image 12

…The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 4B - Thursday, January 14, 2010 COL LAGE From Page 3B more than one piece, addressing songs that need special ampli- fication or instrumentation and organizing stage lighting. Some of the dance pieces are performed to recorded music, keeping the tech workers on their toes as the concert moves rapidly between recordings and live music. There will also be some shortened plays, including Shakespeare's "Macb...…

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