October 16, 1996

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October 16, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…it MI an Un1 night: Partly cloudy, low ound 50*. morrow: Partly sunny, high ,ar70°. One hundred six years of editorizalfreedom Wednesday October 16, 1996 Zourt rules fial stages o search illegal What se'skJudgeoinstructsU'toopendmetigsaboutcandUinesyu s dates ai Y n<in J e x tatti . i°r ju g ns J 7ct nnan t. g { /^ ~ By Jodi S. Cohen and Jeff Eldridge Daily Staff Reporters Ruling yesterday that final stages of the Board of Regents' plann...…

October 16, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 13) • Page Image 2

…2- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 16, 1996 NATION/WORLD Judge finds against 'U' in open meetings case ~~.. .:'r. '* :." ..' ;; 0. ; ti :J J SEARCH Continued from Page 1. said the University could not conduct presidential searches in secret. Rowe further added that the closed meetings planned for this week would have violated the law, even if public meetings were built into the process. "What the public will end up with is a char...…

October 16, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 13) • Page Image 3

…Mots plague NI campus after ball game he University of Northern Iowa's Homecoming festivities led to rioting Saturday, resulting in the arrest of near- Iy two dozen people. The campus bars in Cedar Falls, Iowa, closed early, only to be followed 'by a period of violence and destruction on "The Hill," a student term for the bar area of campus. Sheriff's officials said 22 people were charged with failure to disperse, a *sdemeanor. In addition, tw...…

October 16, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 13) • Page Image 4

…4--The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 16, 1996 Gbe £Thit iE 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors nless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinio...…

October 16, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 13) • Page Image 5

…L-. LOCAL/STATE taw limits teens' driving to cut 4 down on crashe 4 The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 16, 1996 - 5 LANSING (AP) - Joggers the four teen-agers drove past on a rural road that rainy afternoon said the group had -been laughing and carefree. But sec- 'onds later, a tanker slammed into the teens' car, leaving 15-year-old Colette Brnes and two other girls dead in a pile of mangled metal.. Dne of Colette's friends -- also 15 ...…

October 16, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 13) • Page Image 6

…- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 16, 1996 =-7i m **********PARKING!********** On campus parking! Special rates! 665-8825 BIKE COVERS. Buy yours now, protect your investment from snow, rain, ice, rust, etc. Secures to bike, use for winter storage. Cheap price. 332-3720. CABLE DESCRAMBLER KIT $14.95 view all premium & pay-per-view channels. 1-800/752-1389. CONDO FOR SALE by owner. Tower Plaza. 1 bdrm., 11th floor, prkg., 24 hr. doorma...…

October 16, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 13) • Page Image 7

… NATION/WORLD The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 16, 1996 -- 7 South may be key to Senate" Los Angeles Times CROWLEY, La. - It was jambalaya, alligator-on-a-stick, and young mothers with babies on their hip two-stepping to *listering Cajun music from hometown hero Wayne Toups at the 60th International Rice Festival here. And then, the way they like it in Louisiana, there was time for just a taste of politics during the parade. Dodging ...…

October 16, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 13) • Page Image 8

… ftfiftdftwOtft Antonioni explosion Accalimed Italian director Michela cinating film that explores a murdE of an unwitting photographer. This today at the Michigan Theater. Th Journeyman ( Soulful crooner sets aside By Stephanie Jo Klein Daily Arts Writer Having spent the summer fight- ing evil aliens in "Independence Day," Harry Connick Jr. is now back on tour, fighting for the hearts of his human listeners. With his new funk album, "Star ...…

October 16, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 13) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 16, 1996 - 9 iLong Kiss' may be Geena Davis' last Jam on the Groove brings old school dance back to Detroit By Kristin Long Daily Arts Writer *In a film genre of "Pulp Fiction"- ke themes, it seems that every new action-adventure flick attempts to cross the line into the realm of the bizarre and unusual. Theaters are crowded with films that thrive on the peculiarities of modem society and satirical co...…

October 16, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 13) • Page Image 10

…10- The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, October 16, 1996 Ladies undress at Ypsilanti concert By Stephanie Jo Klein Daily Arts Writer Despite the fact that it was the 115th perfor- mance of a 116-show tour for their third album, "Born on a Pirate Ship," Canadian popsters Barenaked Ladies literally rocked the house on Monday night at EMU's Peasd Auditorium, shak- ing the floor and shaking up the audience. After opening band Geggy Tab warmed up the ...…

October 16, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 13) • Page Image 11

… Scoreboard NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYOFFS Tampa Bay 4, BUFFALO 0 NLCS, St. Louis leads series 3-2 Chicago 3, TORONTO 1 St. Louis at ATLANTA, today, 4 p.m. (Fox) NEW JERSEY 3, Montreal 2 Detroit at DALLAS. inc. Home team in CAPS Edmonton at COLORADO, inc. Philadelphia at LOS ANGELES, inc. Wednesday October 16, 1996 1.1 *Another 8-4 ear. It oesn't have to be Asingle loss should not ruin any- 's season. But for Michiga...…

October 16, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 13) • Page Image 12

…12 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 16, 1996 Chips just a stone to step on-. The Michigan field hockey team could swing freely yesterday against Central Michigan, but the Wolverines' future opponents won't be so cushy. Michigan - which only has one conference victory - plays its reamaining five games against Big Ten teams. JOSH BIGGS/Daily By Pranay Reddy Daily Sports Writer Following the Michigan field hockey team's 4-0 victory ov...…

October 16, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 13) • Page Image 13

…Wednesday, October 16, 1996 - The Michigan Daily - 13 .Keady, Herrick looking to get over engine trouble On the brink of a new season, UCLA coach reportedly Coach denies claims that players received cars, cash cleared of wrongdoing in sale of car to prized recruit's sister WESTLAFAYETE(AP-PrdUebske- tunity we do. Why are these people trying to LOS ANGELES - (AP) UCLA basket- ball coach Jim Harrick has reportedly been cleared of violating NCAA...…

October 16, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 13) • Page Image 14

…14 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 16, 1996 4' >, ms's?' . S 1 " w 4 'ES :;:.. - ,' ; ""R . . TO Owf imp m mommmal 1 t Ia U of the Univesrsity . ichi'an CLOTHING STORE (14, 00 sq. feet) * Brian A. Gnatt Daily Arts Editor With makeup caked on and pyrotechnics blazing, the four original members of the theatrical rock band Kiss are back together for one of the year's most anticipated world tours. After playing together for a...…

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