March 25, 1988

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March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…InWeekendMagazine: " Spring Fashion '88: Dressed for 0'D.O.A' stress * The List 0 John Shea e Fat Al Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 118 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, March 25, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily PIRGIM loses By RYAN TUTAK Unofficial results from the Michigan Student Assembly's general elections indicate that the Public Interest Research Group in Michigan will lose its funding through the ...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…,age 2 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 25, 1988 4 Simon moves speechto Fog prevented Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Paul Simon of Illinois from landing at Michigan airports yesterday, forcing- the cancellation of a noon press conference on the front steps of the "Michigan Union and speeches at the Law School and School of Business Administration. He has rescheduled to give a press conference on the Union steps at 11:30 today, and w...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 25, 1988-Page'3 Survey reveals: rise in student political activity Daily Photo by KAREN HANDELMAN Three-wheeling LSA senior Stu Harris and LSA sophomore Ken Salkin attempt to pedal their way to victory yesterday in the Greek Week tricycle race at Zeta Tau Alpha. Senior wins Ar. Greek Week' By ANDREW MILLS University students are more po- litically active, more politically aware, are much more critical of Pr...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Friday, March 25, 1988 The Michigan Daily GIb Stdpigan atI Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVIII, No. 118420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Vote for Je Q F ALL THE CANDIDATES for President, only one has created a c...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 5

…RCforum addresses impact o AIDS By VERONICA WOOLRIDGE "Let's not forget the reality of AIDS," Richard Dunne, executive director of Gay Men's Men's Health Crisis of New York City told an audience of over 200 in the East Quad Auditorium yesterday. "People are dying." With his keynote address, "AIDS: A Disease of Human Beings", Dunne began a two-day AIDS forum, sponsored by the RC's 20th anniversary series. According to Dunne, treatment of the so...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 6

…4 Pge 6 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 25, 1988 CI ASSJFJ ED ADS 764-0557 4 LOST & FOUND FOUND 3/6. Beaded anklet or bracelet. Gold and clear beads. Call 769-1750. Found: Attention all campus libraries Bound voloume entitled "Sprin Weekend 1955 - Master Copy" Possible Historical Value? Call Irma 764-0550 and Identify owner. FOUND: Bracelet near B-School on 3/23 af- ternoon. Call Michelle 764-3644. FOUND: Calculator on Oakland St. Call 66...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 25, 1988- Page 7 HELP WANTED SUMMER JOBS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Make money, make friends make a differ- ence. Work with PIRGIM, the state's largest student/citizen lobby. Protect the environ- ment while earning $3000 this summer. Will tramn. Advancement opportunities. Call Chris at 668-6683. TAMARACK CAMPS We.March 30 Career Planning & Placement TELEMARKETING POSITION on-campus. $4/hr. Call 747-9400, Rafig. TELEM...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 8

…Page 8 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 25, 1988 4 I00 44' g/ i Spacious, sunny, 3 bedroom apartment. 2 bath, 2 balconies, dishwasher, A /C, parking, furnished. Located between Packard and State 5 minute walk to Angell Hall. Ideal party spot. Call 761-9842. *SP/SU SUBLET Starting end of April or beginning of May-date is negotiable. Spacious Apt. w/Large bedroom, Walk-in Closet, Full Bath & Adjacent Vanity, Dishwasher, Central A/C. Ample ...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 9

… The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 25, 1988--Page 9 SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET 3 Bdrm. Apt. 1 / Baths Air Conditioning Parking Laundry New Refrigerator Dishwasher Balcony 1 mn. from VC 2 min.from Rick's Reasonable Rent CALL; 761-4948 or 995-9336 Great apartment! on Oakland, 5 min. from law and business schools. 2 bedrooms, air- conditioned, dish- washer, washer and dryer in building, parking space, fully furnished. And parch! Avail. MAY thru AUGUST ...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 25, 1988 kmx 4 s/ 3 a. HOUSE Large 5 bdrm/n :6 person apt in duplex. Close to Union. . 2 full bath - dishwasher - parking - May - Aug Group or single tenants considered. Rent (neg.) + elec. Call 747-6821 2 BDRM FURNISHED A/C " Balcony " Parking - Good furniture - Sunny - Quiet Call 7476769, Chris or Bill GREAT LOCA iN! $170/mo. or NEGOT Avail. 1st wk. of May until end of August Single Room All femal...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 25, 1988- Page 11 FUrIShed 2 Bdm. Apt in modern bldg, carpeted, air conditioning, parking, laundry faciities, water & heat included, garbage disposal, and dishwasher. Available from May 1st to Aug 22nd. Rent negotiable For more info, please call 747-8875 GIRLS WANTED to sublet spacious rooms in beautifully furnished house on Church... A/C, washer & dryer, ample parking, colossal backyard AND modernized kitchen...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 12

…4 Pqge 12 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 25, 1988 _... . G' 00mni46 AOO '-I HERE'S A PLACE JUST FOR YOUI " One great room in a two bedroom HOUSE. ' Close to campus . Full Kitchen Fully furnished ". Free laundry Free utilities " Parking No deposit Rent negotiable i: (May-Aug.) r, Call995-1945 Ask for a tour- from Joe or Kevin Yu can'ose! Beotiful Home or n free-lined At 3 Irg. bdrms avail. in house w/fireplace 'Microwave, 2 refrigerat...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 25, 1988- Page 13 Minority politics addressed By TED POPELY As part of Arab American Awareness Week, more than 50 people attended a speech last night on the introduction of increasing numbers of minority Americans in the national political system. The awareness week - which has featured Arab and Middle East cultural events - is sponsored by the two-year-old University chapter of the Arab American University Gr...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 14

…4 ARTS Friday, March 25, 1988 Page 14 Musket amazes again with 4 'Joseph and the Dreamcoat By Amy Koch Dry? Overrated? Anticlimactic? You've obviously got the wrong Bible story. Musket, the same company that brought last fall's sell-out run of Hair, presents a stunning version of Andrew Lloyd Weber and Tim Rice's Broadway hit Joseph and The Amazing Techni- color Dreamcoat. In an energetic fusion of song and dance, this musical is ent...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 25, 1988- Page 15 Records Frank French and Kevn Kinney Everything Looks Better In the Dark Twilight Drivin' n' Cryin' The Whisper Tames the Lion Island From the sound of these two ,records, Kevn Kinney has quite a future. (Yes, his name really is Kevn - no "i"). Kinney sings, plays guitar, and writes on Drivin' n' Cryin's major label debut, The Whisper Tames the Lion. Ditto for -Everything Looks Better In th...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 16

…4 Basketball vs. North Carolina Tonight, 8 p.m. Seattle Kingdome, Ch. 2 SPORTS Men's Lacrosse vs. Albion Sunday, 2 p.m. Tartan Turf The Michigan Daily Friday, March 25, 1988 Page 16 Basketball Michigan must stop Reid in regional semifinal Continued from Page 1 Michigan coach Bill Frieder took notice. "I DON'T think there's a better place to play North Carolina than in Seattle," Frieder said. "It's about as far away as you can get. The...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 17

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 25, 1988- Page 17 Veteran: Basle hopes to channel tennis experience into winning season By LISA GILBERT As a young girl growing up in Sarasota, Florida, Tina Basle tried a wide variety of activi- tics ranging from gymnastics to piano to ballet. Yet none of these seemed to captivate her atten- tion for an extended period of time. Until one day, accidentally, she discovered what she had been searching for all a...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 18

…Page 18-The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 25, 1988 4 Photo by DAVID W Tim Hood, a Muskegon resident, runs through the maze-like 'Green Bay Drill' at last week's tryout for the Arena Football League's new team, the Detroit Drive. A ena football hits Detroit By DAVID WEBSTER I finally got my shot at the big leagues. Last week I was extended the first and proba- bly last opportunity I'll ever have to play a professional sport. I tried out for t...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 19

…O OD CT C2 Q CN 0: p . -.. wuZ 11 NI CD cad N O~~ 0 0S m "" CL ii p t v dkin .,r Q h w 43 I I ;SN C:6 G N 0 a v O ..t' : y.. . F b 4J q.. 0 ul t fl) H- cE hl W Z Q 0w LJ .I w 0. = cECI -w 11111 II Ilj1I W W O H UJ) 000'.L W cc O D z a co c M O WU d. n Cl) usk dL I i; I <<_. ~AI i ~ …

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 20

…w w T lqor W- i Pan your shopping trips to Jacobson's when those party invitations start arriving. We have all the latest looks for special occasion dressing. VOLUME 6, NUMBER 21 l c l e 9 I rl igttn tt41 tq MARCH 25, 1988 Pretty gowns, dresses, jewelry and accessories for women... +h nc vdn iitc nd $0 M A G A Z I N E PERFORMANCES FRIDAY UNIVERSITY W I N D ENSEMBLE - 8 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall H. Robert Reynolds will direct ...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 21

…classic, Dennis Quaid plays a n innocent man who is poisoned and' has 24 hours to solve his problem. Everyone hated it except us. Reviewed in this issue, page 5. At Briarwood. (all week -- 10, 12:20, 2:30, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45; F&S 12 a.m.) THE FOX AND THE HOUND Return of the Disney classic of the friendship between these two natural enemies. Bring your kids, your parents, and your dates. They'll all love it. At State. (all week -- 1,a 3, 5, 7) FR...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 22

…w w w T IRW lqw MUsic What Tower lacks power in unbalanced album Tower of Power Tower of Power Cypress Records The Tower of Power Horn Sec- tion, occasional stars of Late Night with David Letterman a la Paul Schaeffer's illustrious guest list, have come out with a new album, self-titled as usual- The quality of the new release is overwhelmingly inconsistent, which is a major disappointment considering the talent of the band members. W...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 23

…w W w w WI W -1,Wl IRW ,qwi FILM c to E - mu (13 c1 a1 0 L0 'D.O.A.'remake will keep you on ser Dennis Quaid mixes humor and seriousness as poisoned prof c 0 0 0 0) 0) Ben and Nena shriek as mad biker April approaches. Get out of the way Kids! WE ARE SEEING LESS AND LESS OF OUR CUSTOMERS By Mark Shaiman You can never trust a film critic. The Detroit Free Press and The Ann Arbor News panned D.O.A., so I wailsed into the film...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 25

…Ak lqlp W w WI w w MW mw OFA e Them ol' term paper blues MAD B.IER 1, aC m, .3 0f -G 'O C 0 's NI mu c E 0) J .C] 'L7 4) -4 0 U, t0 LL v ~ C (1) Ben Lam and (2)1 upon their lives. For a My obsession with cycling? I'm not sure when it started, maybe when I was around five, when I got my first tricycle. My mom gave it to me. She sat me on the seat, put my feet on the pedals, and turned them round to show me how they worked. After a...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 26

…. , - . U1I STRES Continued from Page 7 For women, femininity in the workplace puts menswear to shame. Classic silk separates or distinctly fresh and crisp shirt/ skirt combos can give confidence to any nervous interviewee. Since it is springtime, designers insist on bringing floral motifs into many fabrics. Dark and light prints, small pansies and large orchids abound. But just be careful to avoid looking as if you have just stepped out of...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 27

…-, ,- Fashion: It's all in how you hold your Slurpee It was the very first day of spring, and I was riding in a car with Jeff Slosar to the Briarwood mall. I had no idea who he was. "Did you really close your eyes and pick my name out of the direc- tory?" he asked. I nodded my head. I wasn't sure he understood. As columnist for Weekend Magazine, I had an obliga- tion to write about fashion this week. Problem was, I don't know the first th...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 28

…TH E ORONATION OF OPPEA music Continued from page 4 majestically out of the mix, mesmerizing as it swoops, trills, and roars a dramatic, filigreed melody. The title track is even stranger, a nine minute plus suite that takes African music into new territory while the lyrics preach the transcen- dent magic of group harmony in a purely African sense. The tune is a schizophrenic concerto of tumul- tuous African musicianship and ex- perimentation...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 29

…Fashion? The phone rang, shaking me from a heavy dream-filled sleep. Custard donuts danced in front of my face as I leaped off my couch, and seen that the basketball players on the tube just inches in front of my face looked like ET. What were these alien bein's doin' in my apartment, and where the hell was the phone? Hmmmm, ba- by, I was breathin' hard and cursin' loud as I kicked aside piles of dirty clothes, empty beer bottles, and stinky p...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 30

… W~hat they're wearing 1) Israel is wearing: Carbonelle white cotton shirt with globe embroidery, $110.00; Matinique houndstooth cotton trousers, $75.00; Yamato white and black cotton cardigan in geometric print, $140.00 2) Jessica is wearing: Ghost white 100% rayon ballerina dress, $180.00 All clothing available at Mark Keller.0 Oopsso THE BI lt# $2. The Nation's 0h 5bsm1935303 N. FIF Y a- t6 .0 ,Q 0 c 0 ca LL E a0 v cU 0 0 C 0U YU NU .....…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 31

…,-, COUCH POTATOES I IT.. THEY HAVE AN UNDENIABLE STYLE OF THEIR OWN .n N .0 C 0 U, 0 LL N 0 J C .Q0 C a) .) N) (1) Yuca Hung is trying to prod his roommate (2) Scott Gusakov off the couch. Scott's got a job interview in a half an hour, but the beer went to his head, and he forgot. Sorry Scott; time to shave, ditch the pukas, and put on a tie. For a description of their clothes, see Page 25. By Alan Paul tress; it will kill you. But...…

March 25, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 118) • Page Image 32

…Weekend Photo/Karen Handelman Fashions coordinated by Becky Foot, Anne Holverstott, Amy Mervish, Jessica Pazdernik, and Louise Rosenfield m z A N) C7, '0 \OK - No N I- y -'. b 0 N ^0 W- A N Q * - CD a CD 0 CD x 0 O-T1 n) I 4 4 I I m m z v 3A CZ co~ MW Weekend Photo/Karen Handelman Fashions coordinated by Becky Foot, Anne Holverstott, Amy Mervish, Jessica Pazdernik, and Louise Rosenfield tb ,, C ,\ a .. *0, ANMa . 0C CD 0lo rI rl...…

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