May 12, 1971

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May 12, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…Vol LXXXI, No. 6 S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 12, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Fleming speaks on faculty bargaining By P. E. BAUER President Robben Fleming reiterated his views on faculty collective bargaining yesterday, emphasizing the pitfalls of such a development at the University where recent months have seen increased faculty inerest in unionization. "If you believe in the power of indi- vidual freedom," Fleming told University m...…

May 12, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…Pae Twoi THEMCHIGAkNALY Wednesday, May 12, 1971 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 12, 1971 will turn out to be one of the loveliest, most intelligent movies we'll see in all of 1971.99 VINCENT CANBY, New York Times ~****! HIGHEST RATING! -KATHLEEN CARROLL, New Y rk Daily News "TRUFFAUT'S MOST GLOWING WORK TO DATE! HIS FINEST ACHIEVEMENT SINCE 'THE 400 BLOWS'"-EVERY FRAME IS A GEMI Judith Crist,New York Magazine "IF YOU HAVE ANY DO...…

May 12, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…page three I id i an Iat UMBRELLIC Hc igh- ,O0 Low--40 Occasional rain, cooler News -'nl-- -74AAcrl) } Wednesday. May 12, 1971 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: 164-V55 N.Y. Panther case nears completion NEW YORK {A1 - The bombing conspiracy case against 13 Black Panthers will go to a jury tomorrow after an 8- month trial, the trial judge disclosed yesterday. The judge's charge to the jury began yesterday after- noon, and was expected to...…

May 12, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints. Wednesday, May 12, 1971 News Phone: 764-0552 NIGHT EDITOR: MARK DILLEN Air quality standards THE ANNOUNCEMENT of national air quality standards last week by Environmental Protection administrator William D. Ruckelhaus is only...…

May 12, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 6) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, May 12, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five ._._ - - For Direct Classifiied Ad Service. Phone. 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. s 4 FOR RENT FOR RENT I USED CARS ' LOST AND FOUND PERSONAL APT. TO SHARE,o0n0r0om, $50. 760- !A BOARDER, not to liberat or tra' t '69 VW. $1250 or mke ofer,400 K e BLOST - Smtalt female tlgeat. PleeMichigant Daily BOX NO. 14-Thteei 5521. 6C71 w/references, to sarae itome cntain- ater 5...…

May 12, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 12, 197 1 ULTRA-LEFTIST YOUTH: SHOPPING CAN BE FUN AT JACOBSON'S EVEN WHEN YOU RIDE A BICYCLE YOU CAN PARK YOUR BICYCLE AT OUR DOOR How close can you get? For your convenience there are sheltered bike stands at our Maynard street entir ance for unlimited parking. Sure beats walking. Radical Ceylonese fight socialist gov't. .1. COLOMBO, Ceylon OP) - Many of Ceylon's' youthful rebels are being t...…

May 12, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 6) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, Mny 12, 1971 THE MICHIGAN _DAILY { Page Seven Wednesday, May 12, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven n ews briefs By The Associated Press HOUSE LEADERS attempting to resurrect the supersonic transport (SST) program predicted yesterday they will h a v e enough votes to win. Republican leader Gerald Ford of Michigan said a vote on the issue was postponed until today after what Ford called "ten sure votes" supporting the SST had to ...…

May 12, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 6) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MIHIA GDAILY Wednesday, May 12, 1971 Page Eight THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 12, 1971 HIGH PO Tokyo fc TOKYO - American consumer advocate Ralph Nader, during a recent visit to Tokyo cited the city as "a notorious symbol of world- wide pollution." In one smoggy week last summer over 8,000 peo- ple were treated in Tokyo hospit- als for severe eye and skin irri- tation and other pollution-induced Ask bills to cut campaign...…

May 12, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 6) • Page Image 9

…SANDALS CUSTOM FIT MANY STYLES, ANY DESIGN $15.00 Mostly Leather 804 S. State, downstairs DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Soviets start trial of Jews Groovy Gifts for Grabby Grads Yes, I know how busy you are-cramming for finals, decipher- ing your notes, helping old grads find their dentures after Class Day-but let me interrupt your manifold activities-cramming for finals, deciphering your notes, searching fot meat in the dormi- tory stew-to remind...…

May 12, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 6) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Vltednesday, May 12, 1971 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 12, 1971 The place to meet INTERESTING people BACH CLUB presents Live Recorder Music orTe.emann. Monteclair. Hotteterre, Hindemith, and Handel MARIANNE MILKS-recorder ALLEN WARNER-recorder end beroque flute JOHN FINK-recorder Refteshmsents (Spcanis postries etc. afterwird. Thursday, May 13, 8 p.m. EVERYONE invited. Positively nc musical knowled...…

May 12, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 6) • Page Image 11

…Wednesday, May 12, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven I Wolverine batsmen crush WMU, 5-i The rainclouds that dimmed the skies over Fischer Stadium yesterday afternoon failed to dim the brilliance of Wolverine pitcher Mickey Elwood and his slugging teammates as they de- feated a tough Western Mich- igan team 5-1 in a non-confer- ence clash. Elwood, who went the whole way, allowed only five hits, while the Michigan team pounded out 11 again...…

May 12, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 6) • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 1 2, 1971 ontreal blasts Chicago, 5-2 MONTREAL ()-Fleet Yvan Cournoyer and Montreal's Ma- hovlich brothers, Pete and Frank, led the Canadiens to a 5-2 romp over Chicago in last night's fourth game of the Stan- ley Cup playoff. The victory squared the best- of-seven National Hockey Lea- gue championship series at two games each with game five set and game six back in for Chicago Thursday night a...…

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