May 22, 1974

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May 22, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…THE Michigan Daily Vol. LXXXIV, No. 11-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 22, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages r 1 { 1 1 R 1 1 U' keeps student records secret By JEFF SORENSEN and "backer cards," which provide up to the colleges. mer chairman of the University Civil Like the federal government, the accounts of college counselor com- Liberties Board, declares that all coun- University k e e p s secret records on ments. "MUCH OF THE informati...…

May 22, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…Wednesday, May 22, 1974 In the news this morning International BANGKOK - Thailand's civilian-dominated government resigned yesterday, eight months after it swept to power on the crest of a student rebellion against the military dic- tatorship. A military alert was declared throughout the country. Reliable observers said the resignation of Premiere Sanya Tham- - masak and his 28-member cabinet was not expected to have a major immediate impact...…

May 22, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, May 22, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Threee Memory of 1967 Flaming eatures7 bust still lingers By GORDON ATCHESON Seven years ago, an experimental - some people say obscene - film had its Ann Arbor premier cut short by the city vice squad which quite literally walked off with the show. A heavy-set cop with a crew-cut, ac- companied by a few cohorts, attended the Architecture Aud. screening of Flam- ing Creatures on a frigid Janu...…

May 22, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…WT BKcAsE NE5sSA.R'? tlki *6 1E 2 Mt'1B SAVE ri.' RATE HIKES Electric shock for consumers TUE Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, May 22, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 To Robbed Rob in Memory of His Raleigh Winter is over, warm springs on Ann Arbor, The pale yelow sun coaxes trees to show leaves. Rays promising summertime freckle the cyclists ... And signal the throngs of bicycle thieves. Lured ...…

May 22, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 11) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, May 22, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Wensa, Ma 2 94TEMCIA AL aeFv Truffaut views exploitation in 'Such a Gorgeous Kid' By BRUCE SHLAIN Daily Film Reviewer The recognition of directors as attleurs, as creators of a complete body of work that en- compasses all of their films, has become an absolute necessity in viewing the most recent films of Bergman, Bunuel, and Truffaut. A director's relation to his own work can even be ...…

May 22, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 11) • Page Image 6

…PageSix THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 22, 1974 PageSixTHEMICIGANDAIY WdnedayMay22,197 Daily Classifieds FOR RENT OWN FREE ROOM in large friendly house near campus for appr. 25 hrs. domeolic service a month. Call 769- 4132. 04C524 FOR RENT: Two Sublet, 60 and 70- month through Aug. end. Chris at 868-809. 000529 URNISHED ROOMS on campus. Immediate occupancy only. no cooking or pets. 761-9350 after noon. 99C525 ROOM IN FARM HOUSE availab...…

May 22, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 11) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, May 22, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Wednesday, May 22, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Daily Classifieds USED CARS '65 MERCURY, excellent riding con- dition. New tires. $300. 761-9898 or 769-8752 after 4:30. 05N525 VOLVO, '68, automatic, AM-FM, good condition, 25 mpg. 663-3637. 94N523 1966 FORD Custom 500, engine re- liable. $225 or best offer. 769-8489 nights. 39N522 TOYOTA CASH BRING YOUR TITLE WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! T...…

May 22, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 11) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight 'U' keeps (Continued from Page 1) declares that "this sort of sec- retive note-taking should not take place without the kn.wt- edge and access of the student." ARNETT SAYS he believes that all parts of the record should be made available i.s the student, including tigh school counselor comments. "Being on adult, it would be benefi:ial to read my scholastic prsgress," he remarks. "If they can prove :here's 1o way the records can be u...…

May 22, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 11) • Page Image 9

…Wednesday, May 22, 1974 THEVMICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Wednesday, May 22, 974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Truffaut explores exploitation in 'Kid' (Continved from Page 5) simply for laying on her back and obtaining notoriefy for being involved in myste ious murd- ers). Truffaut shows us Camila's rise from rags to riches. She tells her own story while we vee all the points at whiht she is lying. She describes how she left her husband, "like ...…

May 22, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 11) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 22, 1974 Page! a ,# Wh a e!HEyMICHGAN DAILYWednesay Myr2,97 Prices Good thru Sat., May 25, 1974 Meijer Reserves the Right to Limit Quantities Accord- ing to Specified Limits. No Soa I es to Dealers, Institu- tions, or Distributors. SC .. " SHOMPPERS SPECIALS .. EY Afl1~ G tP O C K ET P O LOy MEIJER COURTESY CARDS 4_ AS'AY SPEED CNEC ASrNw- SHIRTS AKAYCASHIER FOR AN APPLICATION., " ~Men's high quali...…

May 22, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 11) • Page Image 11

…Wednesday, May 22, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wedheaday, May 22, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven Page Eleven League suspends Cash; Walton to have surgery From wire ServiceReports Portland Trail Blazers, will un- this week. Burroughs drove in BOSTON-Detroit Tigers' first dergo knee surgery probably four Ranger runs Monday night baseman Norman Cash, sus- within two weeks, the National to op his AL leading total to pended and fined for disp...…

May 22, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 11) • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 22, 19-,i Pag Tele TE ICIGA DIL0Wene fa, -May 22, 19-' Detroit drops fourth straight A basketball tournament . .. and sundry occurences John Kahler THE FIRST Annual Ann Arbor basketball tournament is history. and it would have to be said that the whole affair was a success, both athletically and cilturally. As one who sat through the entire affair pretending to he a reporter, it was an enjoya...…

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