July 10, 1979

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July 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

… The Michigan Daily in Ten Cents Ann Arbor, Michigo AP Phot, PRESIDENT CARTER met with congressional leaders and others to discuss energy and other domestic matters yesterday at the presidential retreat at Camp David, Md. Carter announced that Saudi Arabia will "substantially" raise crude oil produc- tion which could result in an increase in fuel supplies and slightly lower prices. Stolen bikes: 3 Vol. LXXXIX, No. 40-S Twelve Pages Carter...…

July 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Tuesday, July 10, 1979-The Michigan Daily July is hottest month for stolen bikes (Continued from Page1) very high if we have the proper iden- He also suggested a bicycle owner et- will leave that bike downtown and steal serial numbers and1 tification," said Ann Arbor Police ch his or her driver's license number on another one for the ride back to State police. We'll take Major Robert Whittaker. Proper iden- the frame. Etching tools are ...…

July 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…Daily Photo by LISA KLAUSNER MICHIGAN ABORTION RIGHTS Action League (MARAL) President Lorraine Beebe offered her opinions on right-to-lifers last night at the Washtenaw County chapter of MARAL meeting. Abortion rights face three threats, says ex-senator The Michigan Daily--Tuesday, July 10, 1979-Page 3 'U' Regents discuss possible presidents By JULIE ENGEBRECHT when Regent David Laro (R-Flint) The University Board of Regents met remarked in l...…

July 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Tuesday, July 10, 1979-The Michigan Daily I .l SMichigan Daily Eighty-nine Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI. 48109 Vol. LXXXIX, No. 40-S News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan C r controls can curb inflation pRESIDENT CARTER'S voluntary wage and price controls were believed dead after Judge Barrington Parker's federal District Court ruled that withholding federal contrac...…

July 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 40) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday. July 10, 1979-Page 5 DETROIT EDISON OFFERS EIGHT IMPORTANT TIPS TO HELP YOU GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR AIR CONDITIONER THIS SUMMER. Fortunately, Detroit Edison customers have plenty of electric power available. Now and in the future. It's the result of planning, develop- ment and investment and the fact that over 84 percent of Detroit Edison's power is generated from coal, the nation's most abundant fuel. The balan...…

July 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 40) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Tuesday, July 10, 1979-The Michigan Daily Khomeini to free war prisoners TEHRAN, Iran (AP)-Ayatollah other than murder, torture, or "plun- nouncement, however, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini an Ruhollah Khomeini announced a dering of public wealth." revolutionary regime was facing its fir- ayatollah said no one has the rig sweeping amnesty yesterday for Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan and st major power struggle in the armed dismiss me a...…

July 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 40) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, July 10, 1979-Page 7 DECISION COULD COME TODA Y FAA may allow DC-10s to resume flying From The Associated Press pulleys, and mechanical drive system. and flaps on the rear of wings provide the large number of executives aboard The Federal Aviation Administration " That a stall warning system would extra lift or drag on a plane during the ill-fated, Los Angeles-bound flight. (FAA), nearing a decision on whether be re...…

July 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 40) • Page Image 8

…Page 8--Tuesday, July 10, 1979--The Michigan Daily 'Rainbow' fades at the League By JOSHUA PECK monized arrangement of "Get Happy," Arbecoll Theatrics, the gang that to end, wherein Douglas Sheperdigian brought you The Fantasticks last mon- flashes his painted, phony smile for the th, now presents a musical revue last of dozens of times, is an em- featuring the songs of a heretofore barrassment. The script, crafted by the neglected composer, ...…

July 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 40) • Page Image 9

…MEN'S "NOI FAULT"® WRANGLER® JEANS 14-az. "No Fault' cotton denim. Long wearing. Western cut. 3242 waists. EfG. 13.88 0ith h; casters. Easy to RIG. 9.97 The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, July 10, 1979-Page 9 1-STOP SHOPPING SAVE MONEY, TIME, ENERGY PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1979. MEIJER RESERVES THE RIGHT 1 LIMIT SALES ACCORDING TO SPECIFIED LIMITS. NO SALES TO DEALERS, It STIRUTIOFUS OR DISTRIBUTORS. ~1 SAVE $2 ARMENT RACK at rack, sho...…

July 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 40) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Tuesday, July 10, 1979-The Michigan Daily Daily Cie LOST AND FOUND FOUND-Black, orange, and brown kitten. Found near MichiganLeague. Call 769-3734. dA713 FOR SALE ARTCARVED WEDDING RING, size 81., gold/ silver band, almost new; bargain at $100, was purchased at Daniel's. Call 665-9683 between 4:30 and7:30p.m.ONLY. dB FOR RENT GRAND OPENING RENTAL HOMES Brand new homes with fireplace, cathedral ceiling, two-car garage with automatic op...…

July 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 40) • Page Image 11

…Bosox By AP and UPI NEW YORK - The Boston Red Sox made baseball history yesterday by placing three outfielders on the starting team of the American League All-Stars. The Kansas City Royals, another club beaten out by the New York Yankees in post-season play last year, will also be represented by three starters. The defending champions were shut. out, as were the Detroit Tigers, who had six players ir the balloting - none finishing higher than ...…

July 10, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 40) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Tuesday, July>1O, 1979-The Michigan Daily MARSHALL GETS SAVE IN 5-3 WIN: Hard-hitting Twins subdue Tigers By TOM STEPHENS Special toThe Daily DETROIT-The Minnesota Twins took advantage of an early three-run lead, and got suberb relief pitching from veteran screwballer Mike Mar- shall, to hand the Detroit Tigers their third straight loss last night, 5-3, in front of 15,742 partisan Detroit fans at Tiger Stadium. For Detroit starter Ste...…

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