April 08, 1978

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April 08, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…WARPED JUSTICE See Editorial page E LIE 1E ai1 HALCYON High-55° Low= 34o See Today for details ten et ae Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 150 Wheeler winds up; a a i a a. if A t f 1 A 1 /4tiA T ! ... A f1 _ _ _. _. Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 8, 1978 Ten Cents 8 Pages By MICHAEL ARKUSH While Mayor-elect Louis Belcher is busy formulating his new administration's priorities, Albert Wheeler, mayor for the last three years, is quietly cleani...…

April 08, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Saturday, April 8, 1978-The Michigan Daily Church Worship Services Diversity apparent in . . MSA presidential contest LaYl M L UNITY OF ANN ARBOR UNIVERSITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday Services and Sunday School Presently Meeting at the Ann Arbor Y, -11:00a.m. 530 S. Fifth at Howard Jonhson's 2380 Carpenter Rd.David Graf, Minister Dial-a-Thought: 971-5230 Where people of all ages learn to ex- press their inner potentials. For 'more inf...…

April 08, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

… J IFltMU SEt 't'S OV.PEN CALL'S DAL)' Italian gang attacks GENOA, Italy (AP) - An ambush team using silencer-equipped revolvers shot and wounded a lea ding in- dustrialist in this north Italian port city yesterday in what was claimed to be the latest attack by the Red Brigades, the terrorist gang holding former Premier Aldo Moro. Felice Schiavetti, 51, president of the Genoa Industrialists' Association, was gunned down from behind by two y...…

April 08, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

…/r Page 4--Saturday, April 8,_1978-The Michigan Daily juDia CAmI#r se + QD IN I LLGB6AL S IlGIL A 11ON cAsE -U,.5. SUROAC COL)R Is gayness born or made? Is it something you learn to become aware of? This is a real simple question,'but the answer totally influences our approach to gayness. Society says it's something you choose. Science has historically said gayness is made. If it is something you choose, then it is something you learn and...…

April 08, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 150) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, April 8, 1978-Page 5 At Hill, a great singer in her Ella -ment By JEFFREY SELBST W hat can you say about Ella? Words seem inadequate. What phraes can you turn to describe that rich, mellow, powerful, golden, sometimes blaring, sometimes wonder- fully subtle voice? Ella Fitzgerald swamped Ann Arbor Thursday night, as 6,000 adoring fans packed a straining Hill Auditorium. the crowd was anything but restrained in...…

April 08, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 150) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Saturday, April 8, 1978-The Michigan Daily nI I F,',- PLEASE! !Lost 1 Sankyo Super Eight Movie Camera at Packard and Arch. REWARD! 665- 4131. 29A408 THE CHANCE TO BECOME a businessperson. Returning-to-school businessman will sell several active enterprises for a modest cash or trade down- payment to a well-motivated person'. The businesses are located in Battle Creek, MI in a most active commercial area. They are: Landscape Constru...…

April 08, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 150) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, April 8, 1978-Page 7 TIGERS BEL T THREE OFF EX-MA TE: etroit overpowers Toronto 6-2: .en* * e.********* *.*.*'**... Men netters ground a By JAMIE TURNER - For an inning and a half, the Toronto Blue Jays had the 52,528 fans at Tiger Stadium wondering if the 1978 Detroit club was as good as its early preseason notices. Trailing 2-0 the Tigers came thundering back to take the season opener 6-2 and show that the te...…

April 08, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 150) • Page Image 8

…Carter defers production of neutron warheads LSA-SG PRESIDENTIAL hopefuls smile during a debate of thei Spak, Radical Feminist Alliance; and Eugene Juergens, SABRE. issues. From left to right are: Bob Stechuk, PAC; Linda. Ideas divide LSA-SG hopefuls, (Continued from Page 1) matter," said LSA-SG elections direc- tor Tim O'Neill. Juergens has served on LSA-SG for a term and was one member of the unof- ficial committee to bring back the Nite...…

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