March 01, 1978

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March 01, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…COUNCIL- SQUABBLES See Editorial Page L~iIIIIE ti TEMPTING High-23 Low-7° See Today for details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 125 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 1, 1978 Ten Cents 10 Pages Too manyp By MIMI GINOTT Washtenaw County's new $10 million, award-winning jail may be too small to accommodate the rising number of prisoners, according to county officials. What's more, they say, the old jail on E. Ann may have to be retained to handle the...…

March 01, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Wednesday, March 1, 1978-The Michigan Daily Want The Inside Scoop? Shelter or domestic violence victims opens t SUBSCRIBE TO By PAULINE TOOLE The new Washtenaw County facility to aid domestic violence victims, Shelter Available for Emergencies (S.A.F.E. House), opens today in Yp- silanti. The opening, originally planned for early January, was postponed to comply with federal regulations for the handicapped. The shelter, supported b...…

March 01, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, March 1, 1978-Page 3 I 'C. 'MU SEE WW O ltlWDW Notoriei ruvu 1i t my overdue Te 11 An arm and an arm So graduation is looming closer than ever before, and you still haven't found that golden career. You're beginning to say you'd give an arm or a leg for that perfect job. Well, you're not alone. Seattle's Bob Ingram is not only willing to give up one arm, he'll give up eight octupus arms, that is. Ingram an...…

March 01, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Wednesday, March 1, 1978-The Michigan Daily Wbe 3ithgan BailQ Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXV111, No. 125 ' News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Council bickering must end IT'S TIME City Council members Allen refused and began shouting at 1 stopped their verbal sparring and the mayor. Wheeler then broke the' got down to the issues. meeti...…

March 01, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 125) • Page Image 5

…People star in The Michigan Daily-.Wednesday, March 1, 1978-Page 5 local photograp hyshow By MIKE TAYLOR L OCAL PHOTOGRAPHER Michael Weinstein talks to people before taking pictures of them, so he usually establishes eye-contact. He says, "I've never had trouble photographing people," and his photographs show it. His people are as complicated, likeable, and as real as life itself. Weinstein's, photographs breathe humanity. Now through March ...…

March 01, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 125) • Page Image 6

…e6-Wednesday, March;1, 1978-The Michigan Daily QY MAN . .1 K IM H S-, 1"i Aw i vo A A I 1 p I 'ediote OCC' 961-1200 +tlon & mi.' i N.Y n" +r CALL 764-0557 i .r his Bide is tsirtable . '" ,LE 53 .ONIRLE W %rv TIP CPtA seks Jr to .rl . - ;!bo Ii; -bin st in diversified -p ril) San sR, J.2 Scciai 30.4 9 Lex Uncontracted Classified Rates ST: Blue framed prescription glasses around S. iversity and Church St. 995-3859. 47A...…

March 01, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 125) • Page Image 7

…'Baboon Six' now being used in other test Canal supporters defend Carter WASHINGTON (AP) - Supporters of the Panama Canal treaties staged a counter-attack yesterday against con- tentions by treaty opponents that President Carter misled the American people when he said the pacts would not cost the taxpayers any money. "It was not misleading, it was not a deception, as charged by some," said Sen. Paul Sarbanes of Carter's statement in his fire...…

March 01, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 125) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Wednesday, March 1, 1978-The Michigan Daily OI 0 The DAILY'S PHONE NUMBERS: Billing 764-0550 Circulation 764-0558 Classifieds 764-0557 Display 764-0554 News & Happenings 764-0552 Sports 764-0562 . FOUNDATION OF FIRST YEAR PRIOGRAM: Moore glitters on track Rv _i MI TiR FRmS- .a -A " L-L __ full court WIPRESS _,. Dy itilin iZ I 'L.i'4FKf Cor'ner-stone' (kor'ner-ston') - Something of fundamental importance; a trait or fact upon wh...…

March 01, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 125) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, March 1, 1978-Page 9 Striders primed or CHELICH, CANALES EYE INDIVIDUAL TITLI BigTeni By KEVIN ROSEBOROUGH All that the Michigan men's track team has been working toward this year is within their grasp this weekend. The squad has been aiming for the Big Ten championship meet since the in- door season began. The thinclads' performances have been steadily improving, and now, if all goes as they have planned, the ...…

March 01, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 125) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Wednesday, March 1, 1978--The Michigan Daily From A2 to Washington: The legacy of Wilbur Cohen Council wrangles with human rights ordinanc (Continued from Page 1)V posts. President John Kennedy appoin- ted him Assistant Secretary in 1961, the year after candidate John Kennedy chose Cohen to be his chairman of the Task Force on Health and Social Security. During his early years with HEW, Cohen handled some 65 legislative proposals,...…

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