April 10, 1974

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April 10, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…WAGE BILL: TOO LITTLE, TOO, LATE Jr L it A 47aiti SPRIGHTLY High--8 Low-38 See Today for details See inside Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV No. 152 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 10, 1974 Ten Cents Eight Pages I/, / 1 IMPEACHMENT PROBE DELAYED Big shots arrive The eyes of the nation are upon our state today as both the President and his Veep roll through for a pair of ticklish stumping tours. Richard Nixon w...…

April 10, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 152) • Page Image 2

…Pc'ge Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, April 10, 1974 P6ge Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, April 1 a; 1974 Todd speaks on fish farming MUSKET COUNTERPOINT RECORD ALBUMS NOW ON SALE! IN THE UAC OFFICES-2nd Floor of Michigan Union (Continued from Page 1) sociate with other people besides those who think like us," he ex- plained. Todd showed color slides of New Alchemy in Cape Cod. The slides showed heated fish ponds, thrivhig gardens ...…

April 10, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 152) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Boyle denies he ordered murder .0 I MEDIA, Pa. () - Former United Mine Workers President Tony Boyle denied yesterday he was involved in the murder of Joseph "Jock" Yablonski, his rival for UMW supremacy. Boyle, 72, testifying in his own defense at his murder trial, also denied he had ever talked to William Turnblazer or Albert Pass about having Yablonski murdered. TURNBLAZER, the prosecu- tion's star witness...…

April 10, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 152) • Page Image 4

… ."....4.....,..',,..:,n;...4-4..4.. .y .ry: . ---.---f 91 7 4.. "% _ IX' [ : ' ix iMriogan Daitn Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan OSS: Straddling fences at the U 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1974 Wage bill: Too little, too late ,RESIDENT NIXON'S SIGNING of the bill raising the minimum wage to $2.30 an hour is just a...…

April 10, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 152) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY RQge Five THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Even, By MARNIE HEYN University Dancers and the University's dance program wound up their production year last weekend with a five-part concert at the Power Center. It was an ambitious undertaking, but audiences and participants alike were pleased with the re- sults. Vera Embree, dance faculty member, said of the series, "I am very, very pleased with the quality of the concerts, espe...…

April 10, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 152) • Page Image 6

… T LM(.h(,NLAL Wednesday, April IU, I/4 -_ FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS SUBLET. .y Classiulieds FOR RENT FOR RENT CAMPUS-HOSPITAL AREA " JULY-AUGUST: 1-bdrm, apt. near cam- pus, furnished, A/C, parking, rent negotiable. Call 662-5407 evenings. Extra large 2-bedroom 4-mnrt17U416 E r are2bdOm4mnTYPING term papers, theses, etc. Will --- Dishwasher, Security, Air proofread and edit grammar, etc. Also TWO GIRLS NEEDED forbeautiful apt. 668-6906...…

April 10, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 152) • Page Image 7

…974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven 974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ I Nostalgia revisits By CLARKE COGSDILL emotional mindset of Detroit sports fans. which they could Re b hi h find an honorable, secureI their neighbors and their1 THEEXSPRAIN DtritTier Amemoer, fns was a aicyon era wnen THE EXASPERATING Detroit Tigersthe Detroit Lions were a serious football lost another one yesterday. Following ;operation and Gordie Howe's Red Wings the ...…

April 10, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 152) • Page Image 8

…Wednesday, April 10, 1974 ad Axe prepares for President's visit (Continued from Page 1) LE AVING BAD AXE after no Axe". They also enthusiastically more than half an hour's stop, the labored over a 12 x 35 foot sign Presidential entourage will motor made of chicken wire and red, through Cass City, Deford, Snov- white and blue tissue paper which er and several other communities, reads "Welcome to Huron Coun- all staunchly Republican and all ty....…

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