January 15, 1961

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January 15, 1961 (vol. 7, iss. 4) • Page Image 7

…IT'S A 4'. 4' }'\ GE E GREENE'S CLEAN SHIRT * GREENE'S all-outomatic shirt washing and finishing unit guarantees the perfect shirt everytime. Each shirt is neatly folded and returned in indi- vidual polyethelene bogs. It's easy to tell a Greene's cleaned shirt-it's always a perfect shirt, and the package keeps it fresh and clean for a long, long time. A CANADIAN PRODUCT AND THE DAILY MAGAZINE VOL. VII, No. 4 SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 1961 …

January 15, 1961 (vol. 7, iss. 4) • Page Image 8

…BELIEVE in rhymes and strict forms," X. J. Kennedy declared. He also believes in Yeats, who is. "for my money, the great poet of our time," that poetry should be difficult, and that William Carlos' Williams was right when he said that "you don't publish until you can say it differently from any- one else." Kennedy, a poet (Doubleday will publish his first volume in August, and he has appeared in numerous journals and magazines) and an instruct...…

January 15, 1961 (vol. 7, iss. 4) • Page Image 9

…( LU TION OF CLASSICAL MUSIC U By BOYD CONRAD Success Depends on the Public IN THE 18TH Century, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died penniless and near to starvation:-not twenty years ago, Bela Bartok died a des- titute and broken man, sustained only by the generosity of his close friends. Shortly after the death of the great. Ludwig van Beethoven, Hector Berlioz was fighting a losing battle to have the Ger- man master's works performed in Pari...…

January 15, 1961 (vol. 7, iss. 4) • Page Image 10

…uc vJ res symbolize energy zee dIqJ 7 Studen By PETER STUART Fountain Designer Considers Buildings Expressions of Personal Participation By PAT GOLMEN FrfHE FEAR of falling from tall buildings - or the_ desire to jump - comes naturally because people want to participate in the symbolic energy of the structure, Prof. Richard Jennings of the ar- chitecture and design school be- lieves. Tall structures are an expres- sion of tremendous...…

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