March 22, 1959

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March 22, 1959 (vol. 5, iss. 6) • Page Image 9

… - - .. -4 N-.~ J-~ ~ r '%. F~ I - **~ K -le" k Greene's Ideas on Achieving Cleanliness: ONE OF A SERIES r. Vol. 5, No. 6 MAGAZINE Sunday, March 22, 1959 EASTER TIME IS THE TIME FOR GREENE' . 0 How come this cat looks so gleeful? Credit, man, credit. He knows that Easter time is the time to get the egg off his suit and back in the basket. There's no egg on his face either when he says "charge it" at Greene's because his credit ...…

March 22, 1959 (vol. 5, iss. 6) • Page Image 10

…'~ ~ !4 T *~'~ 4 i-4' C , 4 w .... -A-. 4 -c* -' - - ij 4MA iAInEID M AGAZIN E- Vol. V, No. 6 Sunday, March 22, 1959 Theatre to Industry, University Alumnae Have Achieved Many Top Postions By ROSE PER! BERG Allegory of Love - A Review By Daniel Wolter Pa There Are Campus Queens B& David Kessel Pc In Search of a Better Way of Life By Joan Kaatz _ Pa A Study of Thbmas Mann - A Review ' By David Lowe P Sherlock Holmes: "World's Fine...…

March 22, 1959 (vol. 5, iss. 6) • Page Image 11

…. . .. .. ..... . .. .. . . tre Withot (Continued from Preceding Page) drama is generally budgeted at $100,000) and concerned with creative effort, it stands to reason that the investors -will tend to patronize the lighter, more com- mercial ventures. AS A RESULT, the better works must yield to plays designed solely to entertain, just as produc- tions which merely divert atten-. tion find themselves better able to gain the support of not onl...…

March 22, 1959 (vol. 5, iss. 6) • Page Image 12

…x . - ,. -. -, Far Eastern Aid (Continued from Preceding Page) tive workings of a new, inde- pendent nation is another aspect of the University's efforts in the Far East. Establishment of a Public Ad- ministration Institute for train- ing, education and research in government techniques was done by some faculty members in 1956. The Institute, located at the University of Philippines, attacked the problem of administration im- provement in th...…

March 22, 1959 (vol. 5, iss. 6) • Page Image 13

… r -71 A -.r 11 . t. . - 1- ti- -- 1, -- .& .. 'T~ A. K III A Humble Letter To. the Pharaoh A Study of Thomas Mann Erich Heller's Book Very Successful BY DAVID LOWE (Continued from Page 8) Splinter Totalitarianism WE HAVE seen now how total power was achieved *by cer- tain forces in America. Now we shall probe for the flaw in this power which led to the country's destruction. As a preliminary, it must be ac- cepted that Man is essentiall...…

March 22, 1959 (vol. 5, iss. 6) • Page Image 14

…' °ra -" .y "' ii , 'S } . r ,R vy v .n -=w :. yxi -X: "' 4, ..w' 'hr + 'A.., . _.W . t 1 !C .;,.. ".:' k 4' 'rF '1 SHERLOCK HOLMES: By PHILIP MUNCK World's Finest Detective' Suceessful Year for Mysteries Good Writing, New Authors Hihlight 1958 By DONALD YATES IN A glossary of English catch- phrases, the words, "Elemen- tary, my dear Watson" can mean only one thing: a tall lean man in a green deer-stalker's cap hold- ing a hand lens to hi...…

March 22, 1959 (vol. 5, iss. 6) • Page Image 15

…jj§jjjjjjjjjjr ---"- r z- t- ,, . . _ ,.. -,r w, An Informal Guide To Student Govenment In the early days of the house a barn as well as a fence for livestock and a stile were necessary. This faded photograph, probably taken in the 1860's from the present site of the Undergraduate Library, shows the house on the left, the barns and the yard. One rdon ThO Remains (Continued from Preceding Page) the University College proposal which would...…

March 22, 1959 (vol. 5, iss. 6) • Page Image 16

… R l -, -. Y. - '4 - - - V A Letter to the Pharaoh By THOMAS HAYDEN To his Potentate, the Pharaoh: IT IS THE custom of those who are anxious to find favor in the eyes of a pharaoh to present him with such things as they value most highly or in which to see him take delight. Hence offerings are made of precious stones, golden cloths and such ornaments, worthy of the greatness of the pharaoh. Since therefore I am desirous of presenting m...…

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