January 1967

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January 1967 (vol. 5, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

… Mailer's panorama of horrors Continued from page three modern thought, but the real ab- surd. The form of the new metaphor is a collection of chapters inter rupted by the introductory beeps over the ether of Amercia - thus following the rules of the art of the absurd: The absurd is an art which is built not only on interruption, but annoy- ance. . . . It assumes that annoyance, not love or passion or climax, or in- terest, or mood or mind o...…

January 1967 (vol. 5, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

… IL 40- 7 Turner: Old violence is the sire rI L 'Generalists often finish last Cities in a Race With Time, by Leanne R. Howe; Random House, N1o. by David L. Aiken Jeanne R. Lowe is a generalist. She's a journalist with a specialty, >ut makes no pretense to being an xpert in the usual academic ense of expertise. She has written :or several magazines, specializ- ng in urban affairs. It's often valuable to be a gen- ralist. Sometimes you can...…

January 1967 (vol. 5, iss. 1) • Page Image 11

… Turner: Deep in the American dream Continued from page one els, we must deplore the author's slips and miscues. If I am right in thinking them irrelevant, then those who bring up -- if only to praise - the novel's truth and precision have succeeded in cloud- ing the true issues. Styron's own characterization of his work, "a meditation on his- tory," seems no better a formu- lation. Here he meant only that his fourth novel was relevant to ou...…

January 1967 (vol. 5, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

… 1-- AAI k( 4. -o Like, I don't dig; it, man TEXTS AND COP Namier and Tv The Hippies, by the Correspon- dents of Time, e d i t e d by David Brown. Time Incorporated. $1.95. by David Potter America's burgeoning infor- mation industry is ever on the lookout for new saleable copy. The Kennedy assassination, the Viet- nam war, and now the hippies provide easily exploitable oppor- tunities for this not always ethi- cal profession. Adding to the...…

January 1967 (vol. 5, iss. 1) • Page Image 13

… S by Jeanne Safer A rich and intriguing collection of new and reprinted paperback titles has appeared in the past few months, especially in fields usually barren - poetry, psychol- ogy and the fine arts. Poets of Note A complete edition of Rimbaud has finally come out in paper. It is a two-volume University of Chi- cago Press edition edited and translated by Wallace Fowlie. The first volume is bilingual, and con- tains fine, if rather litera...…

January 1967 (vol. 5, iss. 1) • Page Image 14

… Last of a well-recorded life Post-War Years: 1945-1954, by Il- ya Ehrenburg, translated by Ta- tiana Shebunina and Y v o n n e Kapp. World Publishing C o. $6.50. by Jane Duckett Being a writer in post-revolu- tion Russia has customarily been a hazardous occupation. Mayakov- sky opted for Russian roulette, which he played persistently until he lost. Pasternak secluded him- self in an out-of-the-way country home where he wrote into the drawer ...…

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