February 26, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 107) • Page Image 1
…Tm! us. of N. DAILY. R<}.x IiT . AINN ARIBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARhY 203, 1903 No. 107 RESULT IS UNCERTAIN a dtro te w no -prasiios 1ai betwenttt ti' S. I, A. adGo(.o,'bt- 'ateome of Saturday's Meet Between ,'intont ( lull" ad, .thetr-nay bhota thne'Varsity Freshmen and D. repetitotn of h at straggl. twhnt S. s Pe~e atial itust Ihe oncudetl', Sittptlynthat 11e 1J. S.1S prb~elnal~a t. L. A. i gotng tan-tter intt a c -t rovry with the Godtot...…