December 17, 1902

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December 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…_____UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SE1o)ND YEAR. ANN AlfbB(I1,N lI( I1 WFIDNI D Y.N !t N 1-kl1E ITV Pi N. W) AGREEMENT IS REACHED jf~l N 1l F - ,1 tM,- V P r ER A FOOTSALL E o- EVJM ih aS-ON ns1-igti By the Board o Col I " wl tub ll 1l , on p( S T [e'"o1rd 911i l on the Lonn-Staii, i g li 1ttit, [-,r ~~.i i Hs l ' t l, Band W~il GO it hitrll, "i ,.tieHt4t on K l[i "Ait itti ~ I r e t' ii ti Iti li titt l . i t - - 3upervi51 t1 j i'i- ill tiltt itI1 ...…

December 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…11 V4 XN; D trous rs DAIC- EW S S The. ' 1TY «1 L4';E1- f 11thol ti er ( 11r7ll l 1. l. S it 1 l lt Il t e :t'. 11tl 1 AT G.H.WILD" cog 108 E. Washington St J'ilMAN lIlNO 111)1 [1), BUSsNE~S I'nANAGFkI, 13ISO COE 'T1)N, ().I 11.3. UrtK. lf,(Wo Ula. (i134IRAL NEFWS 1 111/01 11 R.e13 r ,_ s i i i i 1'mi Uhf '.1, 111 r~l~ lf .X1 A i l(-Y 111d II 'l o f the 111 3 1 , sirr t , ,3 A nit11by 11KARL EDWIN HARRIMAN. 11 $1I20net AlT jWAHTS BIMK...…

December 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…THE MICflIGANDALLY-NEWS5 N1 i I Wagner 0Pen IEvenings D A I~THE RIGHT TINGS AND ENOUGH OF THEM S asCa uts, Overcoats, Hatsp, and all the newest Men's FurnishingIj @ yG C o . mitliiNw i li I i ]).i4t 11 in f~l it. it' n tt~ t f... I ii ii 1 t 121-123 Main streetWADHAMS RYAN & RE VIE. ni' of joy ' great at j the a:nn O Catcuius. BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. Lk ike t,.:the cremation ofat ; a M'Y *. igartt. But 1'h ti ii t l t o ii -i' ltoi ...…

December 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…THh MICHIGAN I)AILY-NEWS What It Means Simply this: That here you can find the newest facts; the correct styles in colorings and effects becoming for any man. Same as in the large Haberdashery establish- ments in larger cities. The only difference is the price. COME IN AND SEE US. C L'TrrI'cG, RF.;YEL i CDM 30°,.Vy G. J. BUSS, Manager 109 and 111 East Washington Street GiLOVES CLEANED I RENTSCIILUR. NITI'I'( RAMING ".M MRI. AT iIIoTOGRIAPHIEII...…

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