November 05, 1902

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November 05, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ri N A.1IBXl't, I~IJ l. AX I IrNI -I AYNO\ h'AlBEI},140-> RDAY Ist u t JO 1W MENa t O ~ _ it 1! + , . i .: . [I I I .. ! ll .I '. ! _ j ~II1 LIGHT WORK YESTE the Xi> OtSt v l Mti h . . ,. _ io .Ua lit 1!+ l D elJa t ChV" , I, sc oil ,zi n r wI o tlt WW " n W -54" 4 Ir m , ip, iI A"I igte Diam InI ect{d ll II i ....... {I'i~ lite I tI" ti t" ; l't;1'f . i l 1 ' l+t t' t311 I11 ;tip' lt tI11't f' I Illltt tt'I' ;Ilft Elt ...…

November 05, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 2

…THE A CIIA NDA[IL -N t, w . I The VAR'I-ts IIv I lechanti T a ilo r s .... >ti_+-i<tttttJ':,111. 11',.I ! ; itsti! zGymnasiumI at-UoeI have just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall and winter. The l a r gest assort- inent in she city AT 1O0813. WashiIltIlS "Our (oosdlcne P!,kAs Us" i.{( ftli~ I E'I I t{)' I . )i "Why" 'Si I no, s ei, w t lf) 111 ther SHEEHAN & CO University Booksellers, 320 S. State Street. U U MANAIiNG VEDITOR, BUS>INES...…

November 05, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 3

…THfE MICH3IGAN LAILY--NEWb -°Extract from the Laws of the TI ER IGHT H T T H I N(O AND FU R N ESS IA: Srate of New York. 5001 s or101 E O OH O F THEM t ct irlit ctit s II o of astts II r( vil ctoill sohli 1,"11111I nt ii u."iu0rt ii t oxh l i il iI f II or lctelorIl l I,,it.)ii, I iIlliI b t cal''(tn iwtrl~p rinilco1Sits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the f- u liii's," 'Iin r " o a newest M~en's Funishingp s u lits clii t'So(-iilo \M l h...…

November 05, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWS A DETERMINATION S)ALE We call it a Determination Sale because we are determined not to move anything that cut prices will sell. Don't think about this sale too long, we can keep it going but a short time. AlfredBejmn&C'hihraecsomdeutsndvrot. Benjamin 4 & oshg ga e c so m d ut nd o ec as IIENSCII1.11 .1'TI I'ICFRAM \( IVES CLEANED ILPVIIAXXI 1. lM .M ATN2 PityI IP 1.5 IIL. AlFUNERAL Lovell's Cornfer Store, 'I. Main nIX...…

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