January 21, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 82) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan \N',\ RBOR. \tlCITil. \N SFUNDA) J\\ 1 ,\\ F F N. 32 vIOL. XVI. NO. lcu INLANDER BTTERLY CRITICIZES ATHLETICS Current Number of Inlander Contains Arraignment of Michigan Ath- letics by R. C. O'Brien. Not to tIe outtoie by tto'recet fren- zied1 athetics of Lrdwaro Jodaitwhich appearedl io Colliers', R. Clare OBrin tos contriuteitd an attack oo Michigiol athletic sytemi to th nmber of the tia ooiuwaitch tame ot yesterday nader tt...…