April 20, 1910

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April 20, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…-41 0 1 Z: - S F Yp k fi ' Wl ail . ,NN ARBOR', MICHIGAN, 21), 1910. No. 13.5. \'ol- Xx. 'VARSITY WAITS CASE GAME GONG Squad Home After Taking Four r Out of Seven From Teams In Dixieland. SHOWING SATIS -FIES RICKEY. c li t ~maito(fssitti c li1t hr cti 11 15111 coric l eait il 111 lici 55111-5 hall c~un r ttra cd 1 rci i s ill<c tilt, itt l7 <, i I (YcttIIlo all tl HIc trig) i>> ;i HNI s a lcaadcr 1117", aild hittins " a cra ;c. ']'l t c ;m...…

April 20, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…i ~and 191 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-"Original ttd Etin C-OLORINGS-The Nwestt PA BICIS--Depnable RESLTS-iaia~gani larmoiat .IN- Suitings, Vesings Trowserings NovRady for Your i'itot at 0. 1. Wild Comipally TAILORS 311 S. STATE STREET ya C. ' CL Ct* Th SI EASY BUTTON 14LE MAES THE "C tL I!I V T O N BUTN IBL Y AUSiT PRFCio7tL M~ADE C1,iL INN, Bil'CO S u1'X r7'uk;w'V0 A.iMARTER SIZES Sid i Ans Arbr by WAGNER & CO. Stat Stret A. G.SPALDING & BRO...…

April 20, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…js b f-at YK*KA FC n~ifI GLASS~I LA At VELI ~ posa itl~I Fr. A. it IL,,A l I,. P .. r 'P a a tl (O.tit 5. y' is~ n 0 . :1 f't'IZFlFI'D s to tl ill i ttcr lthcl Cii a vcrc I. CI)'1' f 1. 5N SHOP. at c~&L~ttpS~d~cstaurant TIZVIS ROWS Prop. 326 N. rafth Ave. Youocanfiod a ainelane at Confectionry FITAT Aaa AAN . I). K Ia N\ ta.a Ta . ti I a t a ~a1. 100 u i~ r ahi brI t a)t I) 'a'l W., '(t t . a l, iv. awith aal aattaoxlx '>= enugh for -...…

April 20, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY NOTICES r. it' s No "Came" ofChance when you order your suit at ..... .. 5. . . .; _ 't l + F 4 k Se't' i l i r a ..<-'' l F \t(-ciiil"c cc rsl cII- c c(r )c 1 ~ I 1 I r is n sIIi lii; i- n iiI I;- -~cIl ih n i ;t, I il , cl -:Iai a(,k1 'Cciii n~. r.an \11-s. Fcrii an nci n1n ouh ' Ir ic l ip t , ; 11\I cIII ci ccif hein iii I I; I cci n ii n c c It oii . III (r~it SUCCL$:SS]I" 11 Rii I I. 24th ANNUIAL TOU...…

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