March 19, 1907

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March 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. :11N XIi>144' I1 . >lll>\, ''l'l:IKS) \'. Xl1414444 1(1), 190)7. )4 1 2. FOOTBALL CALL BRINGS OUT PROMISING MATERIAL Fitzpatrick, Baird and Magoffin (ive Advice to the inexperienced Cadidates. Oyer iftymen a bitins 11oaid he :')'iateritl the idronduring the comingfootball 1s)aso1 atherelast " ~ in ette pI Iroomi.oifiWter-ii m an ymasium to 14ha j.ort..)impromp- tie lt ho g it i s tofall a r-asI Net at toii ie...…

March 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…... -., .. s rr c> r r-+ (D 'l. C" r-r v fD rr r r CL ff, r" s rr !'D r lu 14- :1 0 °l: ° , :r. r r, r .-., ; -t s ,. ., tp r /"'1 y} 4^ Jl f r..q 4 H 1't L f Af f .. : .= _ ;- . r s r "" Jy " tL .-. n Sri «.. f.- r, { r _. ' ^. , P* '! 7 '_" ry ... ; r - n c ' ~ , _ c f. m _ 'l. :J j; rS v . n, v '" . . r-+ ,;.a _ ..+ ..+ r rye,..,, ~" C , .' O =" . , " W 4 0 t ' ___O 0 I O1 0 .- ro C c @coo M"1 o Pao ~ooar O C) CTJ r - ~~t/1 .7 d...…

March 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…'Flx iItt(;NNt t).XttI,, -i . 1 4' .t. _-yj1 t t It i f ;ti :.0 7 , ; , ,_. Zt " ; - What Style Clothes Will You Wear Easter Sunday?) T 'FI5 none too early to ieciderid get htt youi wam now. Shall it be 'a sniart sack snit? Whalt style verxcmoa xv il von wear? Of course son xviii xvant garnment ; thai ire fashionabily correct in ever-til, iperfect in fit, and that took as if toilorced to your special oirder No mtiater t viion fanicywe cain g...…

March 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 123) • Page Image 4

…T "IIE * lCIe.CN' DAILY mEm AS ITER CANDIES Iuyler's Lowney's Allegrette's OI anther's Easter Postal Cards Iruggist ,324 S. State Street. ALARI1 LOCKS' HACK AN!) CARRIAGE HIRE Cnapman's Jewelry Store. 2036 5(33131 VAlS S"Tk t3. 1 1 ~ 3131 33I:(, 3*3%Nat1 - 5 I3I is11 J l 1 p o ]1 \ 1"I l 3(33 .~. - .a ' lol ''+ 11 c 11ANSO 1(313AT 204 South State Street 1; /13 33'' UNIVE RSITY NOTICES lw !1 t 1 3,3 333:113 1-t 1I,- tr 4 ( t~ttt 11 17...…

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