February 22, 1907

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February 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…(77 r ' 7v .' !i _ 41 r v G m ca T 4 _ 'n (^ - J C _ ,y r J 74 J n r r' _ _ S C) x > Oa r, - "+, t' r (: .4 ." ... r' i tom'. " . . . J "l f. ' .t .. ." 1., O 2 7. r -" "" ., . r 7 N N r. bR _ _ JC r Ji - . - - " hh Z f^ - J /^ 7 _ n 1 - % - / .. lam: u.. n. . ... . .... -" _ _ - .r - - _ 071 !, t7l r° mm G7 ''CJ M CO r r mom; m ,-- c _ . f ^: s, v s. '_ ;' ", W - r v 74 - . r: " "®= e . P r _+ a+ _ " , u ..Y ..m ... _.. . -- ;,,, ,, ', ,-,...…

February 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…NIew S prillg Woolells 1907 6. U. Wild Co. 311 South State Street If You Need a Base Ball Glove or mitt, or in fact if you are going to buy anything in the way of Base Ball goods, you'll find the largest s to ck and the best selec- tion at SHEEHAN & CO.' The Students Bookstore Money Loaned On Watchs1)i mod"sL. os, or othr persoao prty c. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains ia Watches.& Diamonds Office at residence 3m Et. Liberty St An Arbor...…

February 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1? Samu Burchfield's FEne Tailorillg Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHEIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET HAVE YOV SEEN THE NEW SPRCING SHIRTS AT MACK'S? Cluett & Peabody's Famous line is niow displayed and in- cludes every new and natty fad of the season in wvhite and colored Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50e, $1.009, $1.50 M ACK eRL CO. i ii I FOR- Ammunition and Fire Arms CALL AT MEUHLIG &...…

February 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY CLOSING THEM OU l Schloodo's Note Books To do this we offer there at 25(1 IDiscount, at HOAG'S 201-203 SOUTH MAIN ST. I Butter Cup Candy While It Lasts lOc per lb. DEAN ft. CO., Ltd., 3 l bs for 25c 214 S. Main St. ii L 11 I tTNIIVP[.rctTV NOTICFA_ A 1) Sv !) I1tLI VhS 1 1. -N, ~0 1 1r a o P1 ^ ti . Iii e II I, iwn On Q. IM Nis I I ji alnd r.Mai,(_iir tot)cti~~i io1a ,l lIntr ~tr Ar tF ~ ~~ ~iI c r r~l() Pict O ...…

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