September 29, 1906

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September 29, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

… -- f _ .. j _ -" ,j r, .. f J ._ _... .L . - j - _ J ._ .., _ " -' . . { l _, T t. . _, r . .. f. I I - ^ J ... ' ... f - L 4, :. ... .o- J , _ , r -7 0 C bA . U ... .j ^i i 'I. 4. r; N r'" 1 f y. _ t - vl Hy MTi r, f. ^ 4 J t r , J r y ~ ^l J. ! . j T ^ Zr r: CA, . S 3 t L"7 J. 4 I 111 ,t E p, 'r J' L o mq~ k*- z , d .:. x: r 4-F Q .. - . , r c yr t / _ v .-, fa , f _ 1 _ :^f - f J + -A L 94 V a U- 7Z: 7Z 7Z: 7:z ...…

September 29, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY fali Tailoring Who makes orothest Rather a pertinent and poinetd question, to be ure, but our oh- ject in aking it is to ineret you in our Superior Sot of Tailoring. I you are not alrady a paton of ours, we wt uld like the pe- re of making your Vall Suit as a tet of our ability ti it and please you. There's Nothing Beyond Us in (larment Making. lOr tnw Vwotents ae a choice selectiont fromcithelet of oreigni and lDomceteeiti...…

September 29, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…THE M1C~lIIGAN DAILY -1 l~a~dT D ROP in at soine high lpricedi merchant tailor ;shop w here you knotw the swaggerest dressers in towni are in the hait of goiot-, and look at the patterns and the styles. Ask what hie isans to tailor a soil to tmeasture out of the cloth yon fancy. Then cine hack Ilet c and see if we've not precisely the sante sortIs of fabic ts and intias extreme styles in COt[[6[ DRAND C[LOfl[S Made in New York City THE CLOT...…

September 29, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY HOAG'S Cor. Main and Washington The Largest Assortment of Students' Room Furnishings. Lamps Waste Baskets Fish Nets Brushes Pictures Books Stationery 11i rrors R~azors Knives Scissors Leather (foods Banners Pillows .Soaps Jewelry Playing Cardls Lamp Trimmings We Cut the Price on Alarm Clocks HOAG'S oraMichigain Pholto Net. Soot hingon tirel1new or ouroIIoooo r saVarsity best, uailly tliot oo slk -.(; iil- -. your ...…

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