May 15, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 168) • Page Image 1
…VOL. X1. A]NN ARBOR, MICd., WEDN~ESDAY, MAY 15, 1901 No. 168 ....Our Special Line of.... MICHIGAN'S OLD ENEMY ERnlsl Has War Paint On I ATHLETES SUPPORT BOARD Foreign and Domestic Chicago to Be Played Tday. - Lansing -Mi. My 141:Frmer TeMnWoPa nMcia' Inptneof Winning. - Tle MenllhoiPaioonoMichtgthis FA R C 'A Still Game As- pig to retard tihoouiess of the tonae Teams Endorse Action on sared sseiaitty e-oetedeot Class Team Sweat- _____thiok le ...…