March 12, 1901

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March 12, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUE SDAY, MARCH 12, 1901. No. 122 .Our Special Line of.... MORE FINANCIAL'TROUBLE Minter Wti Coming Here THE SEASON'S CLIMAX FoegFn oisi armer's Club Is Tiying to Reduce the itierS'.i' The Dual Met With Chicago Next Apprprition forthe ucer- itililnic to ti oncitry illletur FAs prpiationGafoSth o Uniiver--tliillt ~~Saturday t' aBrilliant nAII So- l sprbby oei Sij o Dl it f Idoadfit pubtliciseaer t toy ( Clal as Well a...…

March 12, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 122) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. (U l"<I 1truteril~ t ar upon the regular e tean Thi is ethod of I ~ ~ Stizllui champllionlshipls; let us Adopt ,Publihed Daily (Monedays saeptd)daitg Collg THIE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN VAN OFICE BACH OFICE .Agus Bldg,ItMa t St. 33 S. Stat Steet. Bth 'Phne 13. \est Stat 'Phns 182. MANAGING EDITOR. . H. HItoss.'0t BUSINESS MANAGER. t. EsoEi,>aaH, otto "1. (;ITORS: Ass LtI'tC-EIuta - . Co s. I55anoto ...…

March 12, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

…Vt ilEI ;,i v iuil Y OF MICHIGAN DAIL Y _vrE Fi~E ir+Ei EIEE. Ff : E:Ffr. rEi frlF:i;: Fi E e: F: E: E: fr. r' Ir. fr: Ei~ : i:: F r-i~ IFi i Fg:i FSrL tri!:fie:Ei irE:i E:Ei:: Te:£L i :E i':i 5e p ring,"Varsity Is absolutely the swellest hat being sho The present popularity of this hat z sheer force of merit. You are as wvelc, W ~buying. Kindly favor us with a ca11i w w - - - - - - - - - )wn in1 was gal some se !1i p' !' !M !ft the city O...…

March 12, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 122) • Page Image 4

…TH E UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4# S.-PECIAL SALE' NOTIICE ON1~'\ViEK NLY We have our most excellent line of seasonable WOOLENS, SERGES, WORSTEDS d 3xe ..., and CHEVIOTS W[ riino'Paper oan the table waiting youi. inspection. g 1' ig e will show you nearly 500 different ntyles of trouserirgs. W~e offer - you the finest line in the city. T y use pouind at "5CTruly Yours miure anil (Ceam Wove, Envclopes to OV uXT 106 EHuon -anacli 10c pcr pi...…

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