February 19, 1900

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February 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…be '*of Srl VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, -RICH., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1900 No 105. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD CO. We hav e just r eceivedl our line of spuing woolens for men' war It includes everything in staples that ar suit'able andI ie- sirable foi the season. We are also shoswing fall ranges in nonv- elis n qualitysort style to soi tshe most exacting taste, consisting of 1Top Coats, Suit- ins ancy V\ests andl Golf Ii osriinns VsWe insvite...…

February 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

… TB E UN 1 V! :' SITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY '2 THE UNs\'i; SIll 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Coferences ol the Count Secre- Pblshed Daily (Sndyexeceptd) Odenng the The secretaries of the _..chigan college yea, at county institute societies w1 hold THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. three conferences during the fifth an- nual roundup of te farmers' insti- 5) icaco The Iland Peas,ening Blck, cates at Ann Aror. The conferences Bth phases. 17. - --- will e at 8 o'clo...…

February 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01" MICHIGAN DAILY. _______ ____ W.____ F WVWWWW7N7PY - - -a - o'W JUST H ILDEBRAND r Y " v v v vy v v v y v vvvvvvV-yv yvv vii\L i / /VVV'9/ V A' STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. THE NEW TAILOR 120 WASHINGTON ST. MW -Z ;Z ZA&- , MICHIGAN CENTRAL, -he Niagara Falls Route. CNTRIAL STANDARD lIME. TaigEffect Noemcbr 19,1899. Dietroit Night Expriess ........55 .M AtlanticExi es . ............74 GranddIRapidsExb'press.........…

February 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY - TH-NVRIYOFMCIA AL Fine- Writing Paper 10000o In Your Inside Pocket D. fl TINKER & SON~ HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Is what you can saeon acsuit o ercoatmade to yuoderebyus. We guarantce aperfect fit an no sale. Call and tee, nobligation to bay. Oar itanse asoratmnet oatotr 3,000 samtpeawillplease you. All Wool Suits andl Overcoats froni $12.00 uap. Goo ric , alkr & urp' Front Roam aner Fist Ntional Goodrichn...…

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