January 19, 1900

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January 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…..LML-- Ah 'Or 94 PaIls VOL. X. \NN QtIBlOR, MICH., FRIDAY. JANUARY 19, 1900 No. 83. t , IHOUSE WAARMlING formation of Trsto o.bohold be ose MEDICAL STU ET SUES Iby legislation. Hn. ) . .. Ferry, ot OLG Expected to be a Success With Detroit, will presde, and ddge JoephCOLG W,. Donovan, of Detroit, te Honorable For Reusing Ito Grant Diploma after TT L 20010 People Present. Davar E. Heineman, ddge George s. ThrqRqie ore Fine ~IIrbrresbv enhos...…

January 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN AILY Publisheed Diy (Sundysexeceptedcduring the Clege yerat THE UIVERSIIY OF MICHGAN oFFtcr The Inland Pess, Henneing Bich Bth IPhno'-.17. MANAGING EDITOR. R. BEsGEetatt,'1 L. BSINESS MANAGER. it K.IHnws. '0L. ATt tTtICS', . G. D I UTlttee, '01 B r. B A. Woeioee', 'CitL. A. i. tttDtttt-t, 'itt B A. . B CWet.'0. . J. B. WOOD, '5, G. J.Meeeeettettr, 'O, W. 0 ititte:, 'OM, TB hete icptoutict ethe it tta ot $2.50 L ...…

January 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 PRE-NVENORY ALEAll Shoes Greatly Reduced i2O00 ICON 0 GOODSPEED'S ON ALL TAN SHOEmS 119 South Main Street MICHIGAN CENTRAL The Niagara Falls Route. CEN'TRAL STANDARD TIMHE. Taking EIccCNovember11'), t899 Detroit NightE pes.........5 5A 31 Atlacttic Expes.............74 Grn cRapTiscExpres.....c ....t1 Mail and Expes i..........347 r, N. Y. Bostonc Spccecil..........45 Fact Ea'tccc ...............94c Bcstoc...…

January 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Holiday Books NOT THlE CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN. We have no 12 Mos. at 25 cents, We are not Selling BIBLES at Half Price $10.00 In Your Inside Pocket Isrwhat youcane o a ui toroercoat made to yor orderbytus.Wguarateeaperfet fitor no ale. Cal and se enoobigiationto byOr i menseso rtmoent of ovr' 3,00 samiples will pleaeou.o All Wail Shits and Overcants frio $12.00 up. Gorcal elle &YMur py Font Room oer Firs...…

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