May 14, 1904

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May 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail. VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, MAY 14, t904. No, 160 A BRILLIANT SUCCESS Production of Dream of Gerontius Ex- ceptional-Chorus Does Admira- ble Work-Soloists Are Per- fect-Flashlight of Chorus. The second day of the May Festival was a veritable triumph. Both con- certs were well attended, and the hearty applause which broke forth spontaneously many times, plainly tes- tified to the appreciation of the audi- ence. In ...…

May 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

…s LL THE MICHIGAN DAILY tf~ffffff ~fffff ff THE MICHIGAN DAILY is not complete if they do not hoar * * also the best; music, and in that re- * I rd : as eo,,d clasa s.tier at tic Ass spent, what an advantage is offered Ansif ratOto' to Michigan students over those of f .H W ldC ~ l 1] l-he al y (Mndayexep~tdinuing the moat other colleges. To have the bs yer.atI]rE.eahig nstreet, singers in grand opera aptpear before Leadinlg Micr 811Iilt stn ...…

May 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY State Savings Bank. W..1.Bootl 111. V. Sheehane ciA\.N Dlii Wil.(ArBlliDr.V. C.Vua Jas. If W ad1 . 1. dills k .11o. och'reof. 11 . 5.Carhart 'It is not -n ecessarty to . eak of :<++++wfs +s++++a+a+++++«++a++fas+e++f + the variety of our candy stock, bu utaword a othe qdual- :t<r_ ity. At the samneprice as is L asiked for the facetory intd, 3 adveertiei, ihrec muouths 01(1, <<_ iotlicii5 filled 'sith pleservativces clo-« r ~...…

May 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY JUNOTICE. rrtN Spriig Line of Puritan Shoes and% o, en Oxfords now in. See our new Save_____he__ ______ ___ r Tans in window, button or lace, in / . The WC. Kern Co. the "New Spud Last." f 411 E 57th St Chicago . I . - . / .4 tips tnd Cons made to o- I ttider audtnt Itt il )H , ifd For the benefit of our custonmers we wish to say that the frt (itt ii> crried Puritan Shoe C/o, has-beeni madle very mnuch strotnger by going an ...…

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