May 06, 1904

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May 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan D aily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1904. No. _153 McAfee to Lead Yells-Lare Nm ber of S eats Sold-Orators o the Grond-Winner to Get $100 'Tonight in Universtiy lll twil e hebtthe forteenthttannul clot et of the Nrthertt Oratorical Legie. The sle-of seats has eeni large ant it is expected that lbyiPaeocktis eve- ning,'althedeirlesItat %ilt at ieen ttisosed itfs r:rholtttesants atitdelegtet- i gan toItteintty-ester...…

May 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 153) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY +iffff~fff~~d®°°°l T"lE MICHIGAN DAILY BEST GSAME OF YEAR. ntrd(Eneeasscdc liss i lttethe. An Yesterday aftternoon thibeshea game , I.H Wild /i Company zVst ArboroOfce.sedl-dain- theof basket ball, which has been played l a k t f ; Pu~~tblished dily (odaiy ecpe)duigtei*tegmaiu hsya, came olf f lge yirat 17 E. Wahington street, i legmaimaasa Leadling e ft an Tilrs" bsent floor, sidle entrance) Phase 892-3r between the sophom...…

May 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

…T 11 MICHIGAN DAILY . +K ~:TKEALOK THEAGU.YfoR $3HATS ~DRESS SUIT CASES k At the Straight Front and Double ++" 'ilE LOWW-eRICEfl, ifit]It IM AND I 1'S' MADE f. Breasted Varsity--Hart, Schaff= + ner & Marx Make. They are two the New Stoe- 2175S. Main St. : ADAS LDTNS TELESCOPES of te snppiet syle roileedTRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES this season, and many of the best ,c f dressers lite the doublo breasted ; ALL MODERATELY PICED_, .# syebest for...…

May 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 153) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUITS Dih akn, ; TYPEWRITINTG 3 4 Made 10 your measure and Drop us a card to 323 . Mairn t.t Q S and have us call for yer work S f J' A FIT GUARANTEED --/ftc- , i AT COOK HOSE BILLIARD HALL. ~ liUn 'i der New"ageat, IN1~l, N orI & IJ Seiis New Billiard Outfit. 1 yhp ien good for angwere in the house.:. Wi sIAet5 CLOTHIERS, [ree [une./ A.tte[[andFurnihersCOLLARS Hattrs nd F rniher. Forest Aellue Meat Market Linen and CUFFS r?...…

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