March 27, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 128) • Page Image 1
…'The Dal VOL XIV. AN N R)R - It. I '-L. ,)U l ~ N kt.'27 . 1904 No. 128 MICHIIGAN TRIUgiPHANT, 'Varsity Wins Meet' with Cornet !491"l. to 23-Captain Kellogg, Betel * in Mile Run-Rose in Exhi- bition Shot Put does 48r Feet 8& Inches.: * Beore an audience of over 2000 pe- pe, Mihigauf great track ear, min-' Z us the services, of Rse last night administered a decisive defeat to cbr nell's team y a score of 49 to 23. Al-' though it eroine evid...…