March 01, 1904

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March 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…Tu~e Mchigan Daily Tol.. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICHI., TUESDAY, MARCh 1,1 1004 No. 105 'VA:2SITY "E: LI NEIXT. This Weeks Center Nilt Determine the Make-up of t: Team to to Against the First Regiment- Semi-finals in the Relay Races. With te Freshmnan-tSophore ee te n-oti1;01:'into historythre eyesofiitire candtidtes for hoIror on thetreark lomaure n'rrredtotwrard thti'Varst 111cet ~ l ldnld f rinet 5-riitr It Itdliarve benen prodtucit ire of inr...…

March 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

…t'klE MIC IIIO'AN DAILY. wro~foI-'TIHEMICHIGAN DAILY oeduction *t' Io~~el py , 00* (. caiCntr-. f ~ vIiMANAIN (i EI1OIO it S B LUSINESS MANAi12:iO i IhO"tCIO)13 . H1115TIN *j As we have too lareog.a S tock of fanlcy * 30leticon - - btob: tr . A LT 0. ON. f * ews.-a-o -- J.SBAK s ASSOCIATES:t o SITIENGiSAND * a ly on:: 'coo h. o ee 'o f * 1 F U i, r, l Iry . "min f IROUSIIRINGiS *nAc-. ond A. 1. oO'toyr. h e f: S : th Y Al)rr oSod r S.)lure. i...…

March 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…_ _ _THE MICHIGAN DJAILY. * WH1IGAN SENTRAL, "The NiagQara Ficts Rote- THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEWXTYORK AlN D BOSTON, 'iitht-ict connectionc,'It Ciltcii or t- Lois. KalliasCity. St. I c!i id te 0Cc-a s- sin i ,Lics and t rli t- icto istallon r wrt -'V .CASE. A, Act Aticti COFf - ,E LYJOCHA A I)JAVA Osss'own P-0Rstisog Alwsays fsensh 28aC per pounrd 214 Main St. DEAN eL CO. New Brunswick 'Tables Ar REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS...…

March 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 44 tor i ruritArriv-e * t f4 . tye IalraIrclocla-, Y 4 CIGAKLTTLS r CGrolvn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. r 'MO0GUL SM0KE. MAKES LGYPTIAN SMOKERS Cork Tiiipsorelan 1 t ~ Se he Couon. College Base Ball Send U s $1.00 ! . 4 n eWllSn o 43 4 AND ALL OTHER COLLEGE SPORTS ndWWilSdYe$0' * ______________________ The ILLUSTRATED SPORTING NEWS 4 I'Iii i I iiitt ci I isi I i li I iin c lw a- F, tc~ 'iv iris s ML...…

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