April 30, 1891

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April 30, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…Ij~c Ut. OtT Al, Wai I.-1 -No. 14-4. press Comments on the C. & B. Clubs. 1110 follosejo-' ore s01ve of 111e Ctu11110111 of thele ssupon the work of thle (lee an1d 1>011(0Clubs) "trains as Swveet as the siren 001t0s01h01t1ma(10l losses forget the tilsj~ of t n'n ears of wnor:101- 1011)10,1melodi0es11t0at llhr1)b)ed1will)i 10011 nd leeflnetlss ;(1111)00 as 1010 love an1d11t110pa)r11o)ic1devotion1 11h01 oniy colle1boys diplay-all these NverI 00t...…

April 30, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY' p' TI ~ y of 'cinch' on his Iposition.IThe team C'o ( 'T ttV that goes East nst Iplay first-class hase-hall in ordler to -,vin -ins of the; tubiish ixlyi(Sunxayssixcptedi) Iduringoganmes. Itthe teamti(lOes igood( tOe (Cllege yearn, b ti 'E U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION scocĀ°k. anti it is cxipable of ooingc ________ goodil wock, it cwilrceiveithelisu'p- Suibs(-ecxriponpie .:(i per eainsvariab-yxI- tort Of the Students, bu...…

April 30, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. F Of Old U. of M. should live a are i' Univerit of Michigan Quitar. Xciire crdoubt Interested In the aovtimei\ h, aittas Nye hav 10Pices towiestQuaity highest. Gumanteed every inichIiof the toait Vilinamdiuita oStrings, lit ets.; Banjo iand24 iMan'di ting,s de ttiriii a secillsviudv, wt'ivii ouwouild tall 1and see' what we a sts. Eherythiiig illpropoertioni. Z.. II. ('lenient, A, 'rn I GI.C 1r 0L r...…

April 30, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

…-E F t M DATL TIME TABLE. IO :N, , NI I V()RIE. I ,r I rl "'II-%NVII It;.N,!+l',, ., .., .. n , I 111:4)111 I I- I(. ,i ( li os, S . 11' 1 , ' f 1 5 1.}: N G1 L I .NII II IN I. IIN, ANN 1II~tl, fomI 'I i H II Nc.t C.i }ZC1"CA0. (}Is WaItaHII 'NISvc.SVDYTI. F.' rnssov M nag r 1 :io e N N1lAN ll t1,211, , I,.05,N1.5,+.:'0 J c'J ,~IL flIC . ,,, I.aveANN 01t131)11, 1from I Court I Hous, at Th sih Seia, at by," Ofossad" 'RH' ys, Viad. 111' 'ItlA111...…

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