April 29, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 143) • Page Image 1
…/* ln.Wai Vron . 1-N"Tc. liii,. U-NIVEILI1TY OF MIICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRLIL f:), 1691. Pja'cE, THREE CENTS. Inter-MCass League Schedule. Harvard Recitation Hours. 'Va I~~~ ~ asThre t~i-a rso lr f icasing" toiiier of courses gi Vai s casteamts iot in r1om 1 0 0feredilat I 1Irvardf tolleefits marde waia fisti 91 theflateblif andiif atecr somer m1o01 rcitation 1hours ncessary T'lnineplayedf 6iftitssllii adoptedI ther folfowing1"et temi thfac ult...…