December 12, 1901

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December 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…DAIL01EWS +'rIERT 1?nu... 'EAR. ANN ARBOR. MICII., THURSDAY. DECEMBER J2 tOOl. V-. GEORGE GREGORY. THE OX IS ROASTING. WILSON GETS A PLACE. VriyCenter Has Beconme a Pillar Mlonster Animal Which Was Placed C. R. Rinehart Seiects ils All-Western of Ile Team in Hi First Uni- Over Coals at 8:15 Last Night T ans and As-signs Positions to No. 6 ' SUCCESS OR FAILURE. Colleze Bred Men Are Shown hy Stat. is tico to be the Most Succsfol ersity tear. Att...…

December 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

…THlE 1\KClRI(-AN DAILY- I WS LEADING MER~CHANT CUR FALL LINE is the best wce have everc show a, ALL THE B~ack anid f3Th ;iid a very fine liiu 07 il the t: lot-'. lo and c(0101' try he. i i'ie tassortint Sin' the state. J PACKLS R020C SUANS~1 GT15C (raop' 'ot Catr DntiStore R. E. ' "LYAS Lunches Are 11ietter Than Ever, I ~t h 11115'tla jli t olo' t of P.I I ' i, 'IT(1 liacco. 'po .1 1 ~tt('15 lt!fS ll III(11 ftaiingAtr . F. 01l ""S,<a' lU l, T ...…

December 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

…THlE AlI IIGA N--DAILY-.N EWS + T hee o Most GonvioGinU Tiin + tatwecolddo ta would tendS to induce you to buy + STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES+ Swouldf be to introdluce you to a man who has worn them. + We cannot commuand the languiage wtth which to tell yost how +" good these clothes are. Tire makers attaclh their label be- +1 heaitirte coat collar of tlseir coats, and thsey are so5 proudr of + " + their reprutation,5 that not thse sligittest defect ei...…

December 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS - - .. XJ~ A~ NJP I & 'O We ar fully prepared with a "strong" election W AG ER & O*onew foreiganaddomestic woolenafots up TAILORS proaching seasoa. If you aeconsderlag any- 123 South Main Street thing for mon's wear let ustalk itover with yuu. - AI/d:+fn~iW PIG K BG Iilliad P arlors ad BO N~O~ 707 NORTH UNIVE RSITY' AI NV!.T THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.I1I Thtoat i otthe ba to'I fetc ytlslol:SERVt~IEEIIl PMENT and RO~ADBEDk. ...…

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