November 12, 1901

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November 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…h'z$T YEAR. ANN ARBOR. MICH., TUTESDAY. NOVEMBER 12 1901. No. 43 MICHIGAN--CHICAGO GAME. A CLEAN SCOOP. FOOTBALL TEAM RETURNS. EVENING NEWS MISTAKE. Seating Capacity on Regents Field In- The Dily-News Serves its Friends With Not Over Confident of Winning the Dr. Flixer Misquoted and Represented ,reased to 5,000-Many Alumni the News of the 0. S. U. Ganie by Chicao Gain,-Secret Practice as Opposed to Football-The Doec. Coming. Special Wire-Thre ...…

November 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

…IMI iv41 I 1 1111 ~Ii _ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I * 4. + *1* + + + + + + + + + + m zO ccz M(1) Ci) 0# 0 O O ZE; CD G ZE G9 9 1 .+ + +3 Ie m _ c n r. f w y J) l ri - 0i CO) 0wwc 3 c 0 Kr S i I y " J ------------- M ae t9 r ,.,. }yid r R t, f Wide O !n G :J MaM " tai ------------------- --------------- ++++ +++++.i+++ +++ ++4+++++++++++++++++ ++++++++4 Y f . - '- 1. J ^I - ,.,.- - w _ } "' Ss r' . f r A f r z Cl - CID CI) - r...…

November 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

…FJEE A1Cl11lAN DI)ALY- Ni V d+++ ++.+++ T$f''"'jf' d +++++ 'L O K IrtO I* xxiiiluw.,x 1114iihi r:i ::k( :tI < 4. I iiiii till t - ,: -*l Ix I I fl e InvI :111d . TfflI(E fl LOOK 2 'Y Sitsand Overcoats1 ilt ri r l)ffr f ul hi .3. V~WIDHfMS,IIYTIN &K[ULt. w Y 0 " 200.-202 S. Main Street. ' + .3. 1- - -I II- i1!43.4..3.44l444444+..44441.. 'JOHN J-_ SOHANZ CA.DEA 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET ! r EX CEL5IOK LAI(JNbRT DFRY WORK R SPECIALTY: I--,N...…

November 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

…THE ICITRlAN )c\ILY-NEWS TAIL01RS pt'achittsason. If you are cotnideringanay' t2.3 South Main Stret thintg for men's near, let us talk it overc with yon. MILLR'n~S ABRlIDGA~ETNT B ETTERF T H F\N EVER COMPILED LAWS The SCHL EEDE MICHIGAN OT53InC t. tNe Be] ing aSC'l C'tiotl ol l [Ite tlC) Itt ipirtant tittlte aercalageI and s l rlre Iatt ANNO TATE') for the tise of tStttictits. ta0ctt mnein erIfpom mai o r u ONE VOLUME, - - $3.00 iF.r. £SCtiLEE...…

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