October 05, 1901

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October 05, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…DA-I; FIRST YEAR.~ ANN [RBOR, MICH.1 CASE TODAY. TAME AFFAIR. eend Game of the Season Will beAnnual Fresh-Sepih Rush Hadl upt Called at o'clock eil Reets the Standard. Field. .1 1 ili it11w:11 i ' lit"C':1111 iI:1 I"' na .11 l:lntl i I' P .ill e <iii" 1ii11 [1, :1CI tiua'. }.CC 11 h, n ,tC 1:1C Il hii, :11 C sCIC ', '-klii CCCI II C111.11 11 1101 put1l''CC'1.C'CI I'I11 h,''CiCr 0111 i1C1 ~i1i C" 1-1iiI itC 1"C1 'CCCI"C C'''CI' '11i1z" C C 1,;1...…

October 05, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICIGAN DAILY-~NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT TflIL0RK OUR FALL LINE is the best Nve have ever shioyn, containins; ALL THE Black and Blue, Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Troy.serings in the latest patterns and coloi.. ings. [lhe largest assortm ent in the state. WILD 60. oS EL. Washington St. QUARRY'S FOR Drugs + and Student's Supplies. of all kinlds. Cor. State and N. Ulniversity. CAMPUS DRUG STORE. R. E. JOLLY'S Lunc...…

October 05, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…TILEMICHIGAN DAILY-NEXVS A+++4++++++++++4+ +44++ 44++++ 44444444 4444 The MWstGonv1n~inO 111h1n( tha.t %v2 'i-i thait would tend to indulce xbolt to buty STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES Wt c nanna' itm.t ttttiithe taittuage witxi ivi h o toil l tt ttt lie ctiC oit C are. Pixe maltersatitacdh the-ir htetbe- neath thengoat ox lar ofxthi r -coats. nil they art so pro xxi i)t their re-ia tat ova a t otttihe sligittest letfect catier of tri--, falititcs t- ar ...…

October 05, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DJAILY-^rEWS LL 'PA1AY4 C UHOCO0L A T ES 4 uHave you noticed our stock LA N 1A M of candies in fancy packages? . It is the best layout inu pa-o ' the 109 +.ct. L w e cit.Aownys Sar-row s 32 .STT T and Putnam's, They are good too eat. IT MAY BE To yoair interest to let us quote prices on ANY LAW BOOK You desire... CALLAGHAN & OOMPANY, I -awhlshlahhca 0c.~ NN IRa1)*! iA N C i: 340 STATE .I., lppola :l'ic Jw i THE RED SIGN. FOUNTAIN ...…

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