October 19, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 23) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan Daily Vol. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIG-_\', SATLEdIWk.O(CTOBE"R 19, 1907. N'o. 23. WABASH EXPECTS TO HOLD VARSITY Indianapolis Rooters, However, look to See Michigan Win by a Small Score. (Secialt to 'T'te ietgaot il.) Idiainat)olis, lIn., Oct. S-Tet~ r- riveil at 2Otis aternoon. TIeimeic writatken dilretis to tielieitstot hotel ad from there to\WaslingtoniiPark for a short prctice. Alt the ptayers are feeig iwell after the hat...…