April 20, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 136) • Page Image 1
…Vol. XXL ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'II vl-l AARI , 0, )fl. 'o 3 Vol. XXI. No. z3£ SUCCESPOO OF IUT RELAY TEAM WILL B:Fd S ~ ~ ME HA~O U~I1I NDICAPPEDIAT,I' N IS JRAPARDIZED T;.,fh e ucile relay team that xwili ii ~~ sctto1( the Penntinamtes will lbe handi- capaped lye-the fact -that they drew the High Schools Protest Against tlit.asto.ThsmtsIitihe wvil11 be forced to riot abot ithirty- ards Competing With Private farther than the poetdeamw hi Sc...…