April 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 134) • Page Image 1
…Vol.XXLANNARBO, Mcll(;ANI hfliN .XRII 7,~xT Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, NIIGI-11(,,AN FI I4)AY, APRII, 7, T911. No.134 BAPS TO COME FOR TWO GAME SERIES Feature Attractions Added To ome Schedule on Eve o Spring Trip RICKEY SIGNED FOR TWO YEARS Threei' gain e i have ixe added to the homiei'tas ttball s ich. Atiexi ceixixi was amade' yesterday ithat thetKcianine i tii cme er for twoxigaes and M. i. C. for anothir.The Jaws itilxi appear oni Ge'ietlt...…