March 31, 1911

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March 31, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…y 3Y kr r F { al it > :< . ANN A r{)1:,tICI-TIGA I i:Il)_, l 1R<'C 13r, irr. x Vol. XXI. A No. I:28 IJY RIDING PROVES EXPENSIVE LUXURY Seni or Engineer Pays Dearly For Automobile in Which He "Serpentined," S RELEASED ON $500.00 BOND "1v li"C5111 , 11 1.111 111 _1 i1t~ '51 2211e the 311Zi "j r !-;(Iill" slat doo 1 0 b ll II'(11- 1;t 1110ta 1111llqu of gi hei 1111 1111 short11 it1is gin1o1 te1111.cinc sqa'11 as11111 ld'i 1 1it i...…

March 31, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…H M2e t41C Tf 1t AN1 )i G. II. WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer -Woolens of Exclusive S ty le s For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS Go II. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S0. STATE STEET THlE MICIGAN DAILY.x' _________________________________isin______________ - lii intl iii ir nil Managing .Rditor-LttA WHTE.S Is .()tt;II sa uit'r, fri ri ithe a- Business Manager-NORMAN H-. Hlre, l EDITORS. rItir ...…

March 31, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…A r Cyar 112 toll 7)OftIC' [I i Ann A rbor's Leading 1065 E. B11ron St. Opp Court House I. . CAPMNJeweler Aarm Cloks 79e Ala< Clocks $1.00 Alrm Rlcs $1.50 AraClks$1.75 L1 y H r0011,e i omh Anne rio 3avin s hcal .i ' :1 01(111 .00 .;_ 601-;s "Transaclted * 11 tot , Ios. ; W. F). 'l01.1. Frtto..ashIel jC 'Al ol'05 III ICS BAONK I~~~ ~~ d5 Pt1 11100 ofts $10,000 1,~~,e cen .1110opaid .11~~~~~~ 1' S ooI '1 t afoty De- 111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . 3 1...01 an...…

March 31, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…TH--MICHGAN-DAIL IDEAL NVRiYNI "- 1 ht <~- li iafn tc~atn it - Made to our specifications 3 1 TIIIct mt.> '" WHITNEY OPERA 0.° over this popular last and equal In style and detail to our $6.00 1r I o -i ry-i! 1 , t irn i rLt and $7.00 shoes. 'xI $4.00 and $.500 lleV'AGNER & CO.tP. tc5 1 i ' ia IIieCoclt Stae Streetgod alM t slc }It ae Sign of the big white shoeo qr __Th atnatic:ucs ______________________Dull_________________________,err____1...…

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