November 03, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 27) • Page Image 1
…The MichiganDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOV(IIEIR 3, 1910. NO. 27. Vol. XXI. VARSITY TEAM IS STILL IMPROVING Eleven Made Six Touchdowns in Last Night's Scrimmage With the Scrubs BIG FIGHT OVER RIGHT HALF Cotiing-iing'its el C(coarseof (de(I ran oer il((scru((s an(1frsl((((Cn scrimmage(0 dr(ill We'dnesday 0eCenig. Six tochown( rcI(l(( oCCC nted(( by 'teC regulars (luring theC Iour(they(orkedOC~ Despt hetgoCod((sizedhscoe, (thC clochl...…