October 15, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 11) • Page Image 1
…Thl e Micig an Dally Vol. XXI. WOLVERINES ARE OUT FOR REVENGE Shifted Varsity Expects a Hard Fight with Brewer's Men for Victory AGGLES' STRENGTH IS UNKNOWN 'There -re old scores to lie settledtoon itrv eldl this sateriiooni, andit tire- modeldiaiil rejitensatei levni spe siresi to'stletrl thalf patn lwoon'lock, tlee \\ olverin Cs will* face the tiam r tnsln i heIl\l ieliigtiti Ag- r:tis' l Ci ollee.Th ggies have co iisi() tl hos reaihitenrai...…