October 11, 1910

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October 11, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…The Mchgan Daily ANN ARBOR, iTIC I TUSDAY, OCTOBER i. IfTOM. Vol. XXI. NO.7 ........... . TEAM BRACED BY SATURDAY'S TIE This Week's Practice will ber He'd Behind Closed Gates-- Yost Optimistic TRAINING TABLE IS COMMENCED 'Are iwe downsetharted? No! ''his rpo'senctts 1he attitdc ottMichi-I a's footall suaod. 'And in fact noI oeitiinatey conectd with the ath- etic situatioilcan se reason for dis- couragmnt etpite the disaponting shwig ad b t...…

October 11, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…THE 3MICHIGAN DAILY G. IU. WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 S0. STATE STEET Tailors State St. Shoe Store s t t Crawford Shoes for Men Full Line of Ladies Shoes "Edocaors" for Children Sporing Goods E. R. FROST, Prop C. [. IBARTH[LL BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law amd Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books, etc. Complete line New and S...…

October 11, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…TOTE MICHIGAN. DAIL FALL 191 0 Outfitting for Men W~e announce our readiness to fur- nishsour trade with the Best Clothes, Headwear and Haberdashery ttiesvurldl produces and we re- spectfslly solicit your favors. Fo W. GROSS Mbrthoro sci icor.Fourth Ave. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LOST. Lost-The -fellose-swho look tGurdo's blue serge coat about 7:30 Satordays ight should please return samie to 433 Maynsard St. 7 Lost-Golud watch, openi face, wov...…

October 11, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…THE _MICHITGAN .DAILY - T:.he pret-isc fabrics you'd observe on N ew York's smartest men these Asutain (lays when Fifth Avenue's promenadle resounds with the swish of silk anti the chug of motors, are -on parade here to-day. We hace laid theim out isi be- -witching array fotr your critical in- pcin ern hsmds materials, fashtionced faulitlessly in 7 . a style anid fit, you'll Ie a factor in iasin(,-- and social cealmns. Slittdi-s anti ,a' tcrn...…

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