March 06, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 119) • Page Image 1
…Vol,. VII. No. 119. ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SATURDAY. MARCH 6, 1897. FOU PAGES-3 CENTS. LSUMMER LAW SCHOOL. de :. 1hous, Jly 2 to Agut 1T COMES TONIGHT. Mir. Itadhe. Full Announcement of Courses Corporalino.-Leerureo. 1; looirv, Comedy Club Will Make Its Received a full line of r,,ovel-adFcly July 11) to nlI ro. ~ TidAparneaSces ties, for Spring Suits and _Faculty. Tawiolds lange i, tl10'b Fihiesi'tii_____ anil Trouserings the lonner 'tool Of Laii...…