January 18, 1897

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January 18, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 74. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 197. FOUIR PAES-3 CENTS. © (I) I L1D , p AT NEWBERRY HALL. l tligeipasz the itolortncee AN ALUMNUS HONORED. Leading Tailra rsiet ynell and Faculty Ad- f ltstry. W. W. Wedemeer, '95 L, Ap dress the Freshman Class. hoif. tht elit'(wasedpolt eto re-li pointed to Office. AND IMP RTE ~ (lli i li tvtilieliisuhl tnt e theit A rii.~iJI~~flLLI. ~ reetn ' f the I iestniin ct,'ss of nof ziio'iti ...…

January 18, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.. J? j + Society Meetings. t Lc THERE'S NOTHING LIKE LEATHER, ie cosalieatoiaie ite - JASA ki'TR f, WHEN WELL PUT TOGETHER. Pishedh0Da'ily (Sundays excepted) during AiieNcsccenig ieigSlrfeiWW the tColleb year, at lay night arid an exeelleii't icogr'cccii14 "J THE UNIVERSITY OF MAICHIGAN. Nvue given. Every (ncinillcr oftheii lit- = to e ies ulig 5S anS.b-o'c' 01to h rgac a elec Liberty asd William Ste. rece'ivei...…

January 18, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. TimieTablel(Revised)l Spt. 27,1896. : BOTH SIDES. OF FINE EAST. P.. WEST. . THIS COLLAR 15 REVER: MlalildExs-3 47 N. Y. Special-- 7 Mi * SEE THAT IT IS Easern Es--loll 1 N. S. Limited.--l 82 * lMRKED A.M. P.M. * Atlantic Ex . 1__ 712 Pacific Es --- 12 15 * G. N.Expresa. --548 Weater a Es__ il55 1. R. Express ._11 5 II 52 NIt Es .---9 1ll0 0. W. RIcasLeS, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Aft., Cbicao.s Agt. Ass Arbor0 ...…

January 18, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANIDAILY. 0 aaaawaraaaaaaaaaaa STHEY'RE BETTER THAN THEY LOOK s those chocolates inouor 0 windows. We had too S of some kinds and so we w sell them cheap instead 10 of letting them get old on oor hands. 0300 LB. WHILE THEY LAST CALKINS' -:- PHARMACY, Bulletin,: New : usic. HAsEFE J "The New Bully Two Step." STI O RE 'The Bully Song." 46 S. Main Street. "You're not the only Pebble on the Beach." PTOIEHLE'LVR "<The Cros...…

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