October 31, 1896

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October 31, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…itt.,F L W ip VOL. VII. No. 27 ANN ARBOR, MVItURGA1N, SATruIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1896. SIX PAGES-3 CENTS. s'tunt red on last years team and tit for the two experienced ens Nho - - -s'ojsed (lie positon, would hae r " T AA e ..We('sirte 'arsity lat t son. teis - ' 't ts slailv lltNa''.i setles ell. ad is r Ysrog", i t aotl tic soolsn ile ilsd. tit i gt is 55 1iolls. I Inzitt. at 1',t ta(kls', is aissllierne nal. Ith iti Sieni isasilosa lrillai c us...…

October 31, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MIICUIG Vv DUILY. fL 4 fUP dn. P'ublished Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, OrFICE: Times builing,.79 S. Main St. be- ttteen Ltberty and Wlliaem Stn. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 97. BUSINESS MANAGER 0. H. HAMS, '98. EDITORS E. L. GEISMER, '98 L. F. S. Sioa's, '98. LEARN THESE SONGS. They Will Be Sung at the Game 'Today. Air-Marching Through Georgia. Bibng tiic g-ood1old t'ik ...…

October 31, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Free Trip to etroit and Return.-"" THE. RSE TAILRING CO. (S9ueessors to the Golden Eagle) l0E6 Woodwarc1 Ave., Detroit, Will refund the railroad fare to all students ordering a suit or overcoat in their store aturday. Students are invited to visit our new store and inspect our stock and prices. Suit or Overcoat to order $20.00 up. N. B.---PARCELS CHECKED FREE.________ Cir, of Woodward & Jeffersonses, OPEN ALL...…

October 31, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…ACT id1 Sd 033' F tl'v TO 'A AY1 . . ... _ . . oaLI,@ Leading Tailor AND IMPORTER, FULL OJHESS SUITS A SPECIALTY, NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN, $PLOWS' .CHICAGO CANDIES. $ We have the Aea Arbor Agec Oy for these goods. Yeu 11 riad roath- jag nirer. .they came to pondi and half pound packages at. 6t0' $ a pound, we hare Lownis' if A yea prefer them. Alto the finest ! Chocolate Creams at 25cg a poondA that yoa ever tam for te pice. $. PA...…

October 31, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 27) • Page Image 5

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. If Wou Are Thinkin~g of Buyin~g a SIT rnVr0j do not netglect looking over our immense large line of the choicest gairments made in this country. We know that there isn't a better and more complete line of ">-_FINE OVERCOATS AND SUI1TS<__-'*0 il. in this-city and we claim that most of the merchant tailors cannot give you near as good a fit although they will chlarge you double the-price. aPDr Suits at front,...…

October 31, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. rI WHNYU'OT THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR DELi pyyto take a e 'On presentation at our Store to apply on any piece of Sheet bX of Msci u stock. 10 cent Music excepted. SFROG-N1-YOUR -THROAT" ANR O IISC C . wiithi youi. You'll neeti o 21 AND 23 EAST 'WASHING'TON STREET. Sit bfoe you get back. S 1 Cents. rW ay addeos rieioip1t pound, *1.&0; quoo. tse d. 40 a.. J.&~~J.. ~ SURbRUiG. iFse r- ad-' .PHIARMAC~Y. ~ _ _ .. X...…

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