April 02, 1895

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April 02, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…VOL V,. No.- 132. I11hUVERSLTY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. CHARLES BAIRD RETURNED 'THE ALUMNAL BANQUET AT CH I- CAGO AND FOOTBALL MEETING. A.' A;'Stgg Representative to the Eastern Convention.-Proposed Changes In.Football Rules-Reso- .lelbna on the Great Colege Sport. Charles )aird returne d yesterday from Evanston and Chicago, where, he was sent AS thedelegate of the Athletic association. Mr. Baird spoke enthusias...…

April 02, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the Colege year, by THE U. Hf Mi INOEPENDEKI ASSHIATION. Gsoicn limes builitng N. Main st., opposite post office., EDIT'ORS. . H. COLEMAN. Lit. '57, Managing Editor. G. B. Haxsixasos, LaW '9H, Assistaat; A, W. SMITH, Lit..Spc, .Aotstlnt.. 'WA. SPILL,'Law '96, Assistp;sst. . A. LRoy, Lit. '56, Atlei Editor .1. 5. PeAHL, Law '9, HusinessManager. B, W. LEVY,: Law '96, Asstoant. Associate ,cidors.' S. B. Sh...…

April 02, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. r..jjQ4 aJ y At the Grand Opea House. Yeste days Electiont. tilm Tabe (Oeviedi ov.1, ;Miss Rose Coghan and her admir- Rttrns from yskra' lcins BAST. WEST. able company of playes will plaly tn far received Indicatote eleion of Mail and Es....5 00Mall . 43eM ent of one~ night at thle Qan tld et 1cle mdBterilBt N. Y. Spcial..5.15 N. Y. Secit~i 7 3Nopera lonso on WednesdayApil 3, f cakey'n uleielbt Eatrn1x9__105; I. 1 51 Reput...…

April 02, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

… THE U. OF M.DAILY. SchaIIer' 8ookstore! Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E. Washuington st Headquarters for 2verytFiig a Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Stationery and )Iiseianeous Stock in general. MARTN SCHALLER, IRE DOiTOWN BOOKSELLER, 1n . Washington st., one block east of Main St. v95 LAWS!. HAVE YOUR CASE ENGRAVED . ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. TempleSpecial. SAVE. SAVE $y buying a Temple Special STRICTLY HIGH GRADE! !iamine this wheel bef...…

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