May 18, 1893

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May 18, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…je . of VOL. III.-NO. 16-1. VOL.111.No. 134. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THU:RSDAY, MAY 18, 1893.,RCTRECNS YRICE, THREE. GENTS. DEFEAT AT LAST. J The Home Team Badly Snowed 1 Under by the D. A. C. I .2 at Detroit. 1'.Vcat M. SCORE t~y iNNINIOS. A GRAND MUSICAL EVENT. I 1 4 5 ; a Will be the Concert by the Boston o0 200 4 o--t18o Symphony Company on ~ (1001",00000001- 4 Friday Night., Victorycan1not507as ssbe 0010. ~ IOoOIA 411101110 lrd. 07...…

May 18, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…-THE U. OF M. DAILY. o atu Judge Champlin has been lecturing of ~ vnt~. all this wseek, and an ample oppor- tunity has been afforded to compare Isselished Dailr (iceitays exceted) dutringtefaueso h w, ntepe he Celleter year, by tefaue fteto stepc THIE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION lure referr-edl to hangs just ahove his bead. It reiquires a careful scrutiny note any difference, unless, per- TAN SHOES.--Pices, X3.50, X4.00, $.00. ED~...…

May 18, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY, THE LATEST AND BEST HERE'S .A SNAP.---Thursday, Friday and Asrtmet of NEGLIGEE SHIRITS in the City.Saudy Lincoln Bennett & Co.'s Getuine Engishe Derby hats, all ctotors HAVE OU S EN OU NE~ SPRI G ST CJ(?and this teatto's shpe, tat are sldt altoer the bited Stes at $5 er, for $3.00. this is les tansea l tt yost edtoe't sick t ttat It is a Sptlendidl Showtig af Sis atd Gerats Etra Vale at tea rDie. WadhamS .Ryan & Reule~. I I...…

May 18, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY BAE AL A FINE DISPLAY GENTS' HALF- HOSE NOTICE! Ai42 . StaeS ic-i I loon cpnci iitinch aeI aiag Gitars, jaxjos, Special Sale at NOBLES. Linim1nts, Sponges, SplitVi o Oljy tlinSE tc.l Sulspnoieso1) etc ,S1 fr c5 t5. 1 Chocolaics and CigarsnilEi egintii Finished anai Rich in l hrce Styles, Four for ~ 00. A-r ALKN s.Ton. 85 CtS ,Tiefor i$l.00. '50 ttS. ssorth '75 t. Al C A L KE~~.Ixtranvlue. Impircliitnrnghli ncsa Comimissinon ...…

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