March 01, 1894

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March 01, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…c . of . 1a . rear.. I V.-N o. 10"i. THE LAST OF THE SERIES. The 'Sanior Lawe Competition L Night in the Oratorical Contest. I large audience attended nan o' lawe oratorical contest isn law lectnre roomn last ni 70A. UNIVTERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MTARCH 1, 1594. noble thoughts filled the mntds of THE MARCH INLANDER. the ancient mtartyrs wino faced death A ie - ast !!AFn Literary Number-A Sugges- tn defeince of their btelief, hot tion fo...…

March 01, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…____________THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'ZC. of 'J?. T fa Published Daily (Sunas excepted) durig t- Chere, ir o, THE U. OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION EDfTORS. C. A. LFiR Nti, Law v'4, Managing Edtor. Ii. A. CAiciac(, Lit. '4, Aisttct. t.. .Li ti, Li. 9i, A sitict. I'. WI aa:et+ii, Law '%, Asiciat. :i. A. LEici ;, Li. 'ii, Athletic Llior a. W. utiise . PG. Lit., Business Mattger. wt. AStu, Lit '7, Asisaicti. H. it. G(c oil. i. I. ii) i. i. o. Accici'b....…

March 01, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…THE U.. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. on i ,1W H.1 ;LtEENO ' ' ewS nrimgStyles i ,'lie i o01( _____________________________________idtiCaps. one i aust SeeTjheui. EXCELSIORLAUNDRY D. A. TNKER j 9 20 Aok:.'l 11It.t OiN sS iEI Good NVOT-i. ool'tteed .Goods ealled for No.9S South Wain street, totre reently oecepied by Too Samso.) acid deivered. A.F. (.OVERT, Prop. _____________________________ AA~;w ;0~bW lre.(rwro THE FISK TEA...…

March 01, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 107) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M.' All tenw pigStyles and Novelties inGenits'WV(ar. iWiY R t!SI' 9Y~f fiOlt.. r .? 1 rrF m-, 1.T I.r$The e Springa RT 't Thepaeut mistAni _doit._ , ____________________ OI\T . O T IS & i iirI~ s MOO 7EJ WF2JV~cE__ NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAMe. TEXT BOOKS FOR THE SECOND SEMESTlER NIFV 'AND) ';ECOND) 1ANDl. NOTE-lB)()S ASI(I I AA rbo taixir. I s - _W M_ R 1 FULd.. h IC.(JA ; EAI( I .14 11-Ol',-ol'l...…

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