February 17, 1894

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February 17, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…VoL. IV.-No. :7. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1894 PRICE, THREE CENTS. THE GREATEST SONG-SINGER. his masterly performance aroused WE ARE IN LINE. an enthusiasm which manifested Candidates for the Baseball Nine As a Pleasing High Grade Baritone C N ers.-ote.Promi- Singer Max Heinrich itself in imperative encores. Mr. are Numerous.-Some Promi- has ro Eoual Z.eitz is a finished artist in every nest Men. ieiisinini no velis sid Y...…

February 17, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 97) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. p ci on the ]part of snuch universities as li ' E) :"~ Michiga, Chicago, Northwestern andl Wisconsin perhaps ring about a o souse re ognitions of or merits frontft11 Vuoished i 0lyv (Ssn'i. ysneened during tie originators of the plan? Is ath-7 adneunli v iriiit i~letics see are comparatively nesw and T HE U. OF 1M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION can hardiy expet to compete with ".sonic of our Iastern sister univer- shites ct in a ...…

February 17, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

… THE U. OF M. DAILY. ORGAIZE 1$O NCORORAED 886WHEEN YOU W11I YOISR THE CHEQUAMV'EGON ORCHESTRA. ! I.1 1' it i[ '[O tSN't'. -New' i" Ste n -"t . hno 011 Nt w~r t o' a I yxc 11cii L 0111Cto. ('omiti 11101(1ee 1 twtt.P±.ii~ L Goad 'Work. G'at'ta tt ttot' o ttad atI fo 4. 9 Siut Maiin street, t o c,fett (l5o( 1 atti t h ''woitta " .t' aaaailtia'o A F. . Vo'la'tPro . A F. sr-aarraVneAt'tt' n^ sePrrxvrmrtarii vzur u t l~o all ;o w I(41il11N, '111 '....…

February 17, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 97) • Page Image 4

…_____ T HR I. OF MT. DAILY. ____ ___ __ 1/T E TILL ' 1-11I AS I ~ 1E V5') : Ji L ! e h v td d al n f.O ' Y ' : U P E R F IN EIAll o ur f . 59 1 an d .$4 . 0 Si cko es fo r $ 2 3 5 A ll 52 . 5, 9 00 ,,:i i Ti acIIOCOO. : N't0 These oRe('geniuno Baz°arios as 'ate are (losing outtall Lattits' >IShoes. At "5C por 11. AT lIE 1OUTFITTER1JS Calkins' Pliari acy OWDISE11_~r:& C7 0 mI~ ~~~ NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ___________________________________ ____...…

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