October 04, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 5) • Page Image 1
…i .p > "i a r ;_ ; r -a - s ' M. L7, ' Elf -- oL. TV.-No. r V-s. V.-i~. 5. NIVERfSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1893. IRCTREC~o PRICE, THREE CENTS. U-5SF 10. vs. D. A. C. be about tbe same widtb, a little First Footbali Game ofthti Sea-{ longer, witb a wbite cover and a de- son-Let Everyone Turn Out. I sign on tbe front worked in four or five colors, making a very bandisonme Tbe firs footbali gamse of tbe volume. seasoit, wich w...…