April 23, 1918

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April 23, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…DERSUB C LI 01 z :ti tan attx I AS DAY AND NIGHT' SERVICE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1918. PRICE ITHRE ...,-- CLAIMS HOLIDAY' L- MEN LEAVING FOR' FARMST TKEEXAMS ,..,---- THINING CAMP TO TAKE 40 STUDENTS AMERICANS 200 IN HUN LOSE ATTACK to n, April 22.-All gover- sked today by Secretary eclare next Friday a state as President Wilson has it a national holiday to rty Day celebrations. a's offerings of Libertyt ...…

April 23, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…4 d with1 1DEMANDS SQUARE DEAL. GALENS UPPER-CLASS MEDICAL SOCIETY PROTEST AGAINST RE. CENT STATEMENTS ABOUT ME- 1ICS ely entitled It is when he is in this state of I news diss wise credit- mind, his thoughts focused on those local news whom he has left behind, that a let- ter frdm home buoys up his spirits iversity of and imparts new life and energy to ing except r. his being. Poets and artists have en- n Arbor as deavored to portray the h...…

April 23, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

… .w.w._.___ . ' me Hamer and Egbert will go against ) Dr. Lee and Chris Mack this afternoon -should the winds, scheduled for last March, and which have been deliver- ed during the past four or five days, allow, for several sets of doubles. h This is the part of the final practice y schedule preceding the Chicago match y Saturday. e Bornstein and Sullivan are two men e who are evidencing interest in the Varsity squad. The former has al- ready...…

April 23, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

… 4e NoW we know we are in the war- We realize what it means-- We are determined that the sacrifice of Amer- ican life-shallinot be in vain and that there shall be no turning back, no faltering,,until our wrongs are avenged and our future safety assured. peace and NOW NOW. is- the time for YOU to act-RIGHT / 'ITT I_ _ _ _ _ __ I- L _ _ __' . _ _ vIe stay-at-nomes, what sacrifces are we making for our heroes over there; who suffer ...…

April 23, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 141) • Page Image 5

…... scat appearance are isi ness and profess- as in the flglting trol the destiny of will find the qual- snap of youth, the refinement of ex- SPECIAlIZATION TALKS BY CAMPUS PROFESSORS IF YOU WANT TO GET RICH DON'T ENTER LAW SAYS PROF. R. W. AIGLERI '9il HEADS ECONOMICS DEPARTMVENT AT SETTLE I Early Spring Showi -the acme of value-best /) 11 hart othes ITT E &LANDERS OR R LOWERS PHONE 294 213 E. LIBERTY OR CARACE LERS IN I5 OR EA...…

April 23, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 141) • Page Image 6

…Ifu FT BOARD CALLS 200 MEN FOR EXAMS I ver and Oxfords s * * , * * * *m * * .** AT THE THEATERS "Over the Top," at the Garrick. ~' - .~ ; {'. ,r i . O~iJ7 , Unusual value at $5.50. Boot Shop. tter, Prop. ALL CLASS ONE REGISTRANTS TO BE EXAMINED ON APRIL 29 Notices were sent out yesterday by the locaL selective draft board for 200 Class one registrants to appear for examination on Monday, April 29. The examinations will be held in M...…

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