July 19, 1923

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July 19, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…t 4§r AGW t A.SSOCIA PRES DAY AND IG] SERIi ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1923,PRICE FIVI EDI TORIAL{ "WITHIN THE LAW" Mercenary interests of real estate owners in New York City have reach- ed a stage under the new "ironclad lease" agreement of the United Real Estate Owners association which puts the tenants of East Sidle tenement dis- tricts in a place only compara le to that, of serfs under feudal o)pre sion !of medieval times...…

July 19, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…3E' MED KU MALE AND FEMAX ENTERED THY, "ABRC" ,I >t Monday 1 ated Press. The As- ively entitled to the all news dispatches therwise credited in news published here- the postoffice, Ann Arbor, :ond class matter. y carrier or mail, $L.5o. Arbor Press Building. s, if signed as evidence of be published in The Summer scretion of the Editor. Un- :ations will receive 'no con- signature miay be omitted in lesired by the writer. The does not nece...…

July 19, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…f Championshi III tieani :bUIBJUN the general library has now on :lbiton a collectign of bookpates, ich fill the nine shoW cases in the in oorridor, hich contains arm- # 1ookpats, signed proofs of tes designed by J. Ynfred Spence- , plates designed by \yillian Edgar her, a case of plates designed by iis Rhead, t-he famos illustrator chlfdren's books, plates of students d others connected with the Univer- y and bookplates of famous men, ;uding...…

July 19, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…LS TO CARRY COLORS IN AIR RACE "WHERE IS OLD TUVS PLACE?" OLD GRAD ASKS ON VISIT (Continued from Page One) "The thing we all liked about Tut's was his Day Book. One could go there for a meal and merely write{ his name in the book and put the amount of the bill next to it, if one didn't have money to pay for it at' the time. The boys would let their, bills accumulate and pay when theyI had the money. Somedidn't pay un- til ten or twenty years...…

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